@ethanM: 91kg?
so the sixpack pics are filed?
@lunatic: 45kg? that’s pretty impressive… but don’t try to get thinner than that. a beauty needs to be slim but not skinny :love:
135 lbs and about 5’8" (62kg and 172.82 cm according to google for all you non pound/feet types)
145 pds of pure Fat baby Yeah! See i believe what’s the use of getting a six pack when you can have a full keg you know?
See i believe what’s the use of getting a six pack when you can have a full keg you know?
yeah, but - call me flippant - I don’t really want to date a girl with the same opinion, and a liquid grain storage herself
lol, no worries there. Winter is on its way and I gotta stay warm for the winter.
Ethan doesn’t have sixpacks - he goes for party ball
Lunatic:Just keep your BMI above 5% and its all healthy.
I’m trying to lower mine to 6%…
I can’t really blame you… Look at her avitar…
I can’t really blame you… Look at her avitar…
yah thats what i thought it was, and isn’t that the guy from zoolander who woned eh evil corperation?
BMI? Bowel Movements per Inch? No worries there . . .
And who judges a person by their avatar? Look at morse - is that a dead give away or what? :sure:
lol. What a funny thread.
What the heck 170lbs lean muscle
Well I got a six pack, just right now it has a little padding on top. I can drop or put on about 20 pounds, depending on how I eat and how much working out I do.
This was 5 months ago.
I think we’re going to need those semi-automatic rifles to take you down.
So does your immense strenght help you pressure clients at all?
Ethan put that stuff away. No one want’s to see you with your shirt off. :lol:
:puzzled: I know this is the random forum but I dont want to look at that kind of pics around here, we know ur sexy Ethan, just put ur shirt
People have posted more obscene things than that. You could see similar things on the Disney channel.
Well I coudln’t help but associate an ugly guy with your name… :sigh:
Now if only Lizzie McGuire would do that…
Speak for yourself CG!
[starts chanting] take it off! take it off! take it off! take it off![ends chanting]
Aw come on guys… You should have seen the uproar I caused at BillyB’s forum when I posted that picture along with the rest of them for my site. Even more upset guys then above. And Bill, don’t lie to the forum people. I’ll send you the rest of them on AIM like you asked me to