How much did you pay?

Heya peoples. Just wondering out of curiousity. How much did you pay for your hosting + domain?

I paid 10 a year for total. Awesome right?

depends on what you got
im paying a dollar a month for CGI PHP 100 meg space 3 gb bandwith PERL ASP Cool Stats Prog Unlimited Email Addresses Unlimited Subdomains Unlimited FTP Accounts and a bunch more
8.88 dollars a year for a domain name (.com)
my host is

Never heard of a 10 year plan, how much did you pay?

hes paying 10 dollars per year, not for 10 years i believe (if i understood him correctly…)

yeah he is saying $10 per year.

$15 hosting + $10 domain so like 25, but prices just shot up :!:

20 per month.

lava your not with MT are you? where did you go?

I went with - they’re alright… different set of server problems altogether, but I love the amount of space that they’re giving me. Plus the admin is pretty cool.

$25 for both host and domain
20 MB Space
1 GB Transfer

This is a complete sucky host. Just look at the numbers. But, it was the cheapest deal out there.

I think I could probably free host some kirupians out there… I know someone else in the board is doing that as well…

Lava - they are pretty good eh? When I signed up it was only 20 bucks for the entire year and as long as I keep my account there and dont jump up to another package, I will get the same rates - kind of a nice deal really. They let you stay at the same price you came in at.

Plus as you mentioned the admin staff there is great - very helpful and very quick with responses.

yeah… I saw your posts on the forum, while I was searching for answers. I thought “oh, cool.” I mentioned it to xxviii, and he told me - “oh, ok.”

I don’t think he likes you… you should beat him up.

I pay about 40$ a year for hosting… and about… err… 10$ a year for the domain. :slight_smile:

I get 100mb’s of space, unlimited traffic, 10 sub’s, unlimited mail accounts, ASP, MySQL, PHP, PERL, free support… and so on…

I think it’s a fair deal :slight_smile:

Yah Eilsoe - that does sound like a great deal.

And Lava - I just might have to do that, thanks for the inside info :m:

£25 for 50MB of space and 2 years of a domain name. :slight_smile:

I have my own box sitting in an ISP… Since I have a contract with the ISP to do <i>all</i> thier design work, I get to have my box there for free… sort of…


Admin is Cpanel

  • 150 MB Space
  • 3 Gigabyte Data Transfer
  • Unlimited Email
  • 10 MySQL Databases
  • 15 Subdomains
    $5/month + $10 domain name registration per year!
    No ASP. I can have Coldfusion but I have to pay them $9 as a one time set-up fee.

So basicaly, I pay about ~ $82 per year. The most imortant thing about the company that’s hosting me is that they have a stable system and their service is excellent! :thumb:

I wish my host had cold fusion… it’s pretty expensive though (or so I hear)

I’m trying to talk my ISP into getting Flash Comm and remoting…



well actually I don’t really like coldfusion and I also don’t know how to use it on my own machine. But this is only for future things that may happen. Like if Macromedia would discontinue support for PHP on new versions of Flash. :-\