I have done a site for a small company but do not know what to charge. There will be further animation for an intro and on the buttons(ie. sound effect and animation). The products page has not been completed but will look and feel the same as the other pages. Dont mind the Bob Marley song as it will be changed before going into production so as to not screw with copyrights and such. I would just like to know how much you all would charge for the look and size of such a site. Thanks in advance.
There have been other posts like this before and I think it was Rev (sorry if I got this wrong) who said it best. And I think Collin who repeated along the same lines- you should sit down with the client and map out/write up a little statement of what needs to be done and what the client would like to see. If they leave it totally up to you then you should go home and think about it then write up a little proposal and come back to the client. All of this should be done BEFORE you decide on a price. Then you can come up with a reasonable estimate based on what the client wants and what you can accomplish.
In other words, there is no set rate as sites will differ from client to client.
But here’s a question for those of you who like the hourly rate idea - do you charge for researching stuff you don’t know how to do? I made a site for a friend and spent days worth of hours trying to figure out how to do stuff that I thought she would like on her site, based on stuff we had talked about. Great learning experience for me. But I wouldn’t dream of charging for it since I couldn’t deliver the product without spending a buttload of time learning how to do it.