Need some help with

I have my first real client and I’m not sure what to charge as far as price for a Web site. It’s a basic 5 page static HTML site(has rollover buttons for navigation and some pop-up windows that show product discriptions)…anybody have any ball park figures?

I would appreciate any advice anyone has to share.


$100 million dollars…bwhahahahahahahaha :beam: :crazy:

j/k i have no idea

edit: sorry i know im on probation but i just couldn’t resist this one :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

NO NO thats WAy too cheap you must pay


Wow, thanks for such an insightful response…I really appreciate the help! :sigh:

sorry i got carried away…i have yet to be paid for any service coughs i have provided any wome…er anyone …so i’m the wrong person to ask

i personally charge by the hour.

And this is what i do… (im giving away trade secrets… well not really…)

I ussually get the required information, what they want, how much they are willing to spend etc…

I ussually charge by the hour, of about 60 for design, which includes the design and implementation of content etc…

then i make a template for them, ussualy a few, have them pick…

then when they know what they want, i have them sign a contract saying this is what i want and i wont change my mind (beleive me do this!!) .

then when you discuss the finall price etc… you finish the project and they get their product.

now in the prices dept… i think depending on what they want, you can change them. for example for some sites i charge 15 sometimes 10 bucks an hour depending on what they need what they have and my time.

its all up to you, but rememeber be fair, and they’ll love you. =)

*Originally posted by Raydred *

i personally charge by the hour.

LMAO…alone it doesn’t sound 2 good :beam: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


*Originally posted by Raydred *
then when they know what they want, i have them sign a contract saying this is what i want and i wont change my mind (beleive me do this!!) .

knowing you ray…i bet the small print says:
[SIZE=1]you agree to sign your soul over to raydred[/size]

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :evil: :crazy:

Damn he caught me. =)