This was made for a friend who is a lighting designer. Am not a web designer (video guy) but dabbling in FLASH. Made intro as tidy as possible (126k) but not getting smooth playback on DSL although cable is smooth. Any suggestions on intro, main site layout and overall performance greatly appreciated. Any suggestions regarding optimization also appreciated.
cool ideas you got going here. the color change with mouseovers
is nifty! =) the layout is ok, but it’s a bit boring and drab. The
colors, or should I say, lack of colors, is probably not helping this
point either. I’d suggest lightening it up some.
Over all pretty good. The transitions are ok, but you really need
to boost the framerate to get smoother animations.
I like the intro as well, it might not be visually appealing, but the song playing is nice, made me bop my head a little which is good. haha =)
As for the layout, I agree with unflux, there should be more color. For a lighting site, it’s pretty dark.
Another thing that I didn’t like was how some of your content overlaps the menu and even overlaps other content if the windows aren’t closed. You should apply the same action used on the buttons that close those windows to the rest of the navigational buttons as well so that when the viewer clicks on the nav button, it will automatically close the windows as well.
Overall I thought it was pretty good for someone who’s not a web designer. Good job. =)