
just wanted some feedback on my newly updated site. swf’s might need to be chopped up a little more. just wondering if anybody waits too long. thanks for any advice. :+)

Yo… your site is sweet to say the least. Personally, i’ve been in an extended thought process on animating water like you did, and incorporating it into my site. As for as load time, i had no real big wait, just a few seconds. I’m on a cable modem. Your vector art is outstanding. Did you copy over a photograph?

  • Glenn

Soft and nice. Load times are a little off and things move a little slow, but those are my only complaints. The water stuff looks awesome! Great job!

aw crap, jus when we goin get all da draddahs off da forums get one nutha one try fo show up!

J/k. Nice site. Did you purchase the AI water movies or did you create them yourself? Are you a studio or a one man show?

I’ve seen the AI movies before just can’t remember where…

But none the less great looking site. It’s simple and clean. Good job!

thanks everybody. i used a couple after effects plugins. psunami in particular. it’s the same plugin they used to make the water scenes for titanic.

That’s nice.

It lags just a hair switching between pages.

I didn’t even notice loading, but if you mouseover the links to the left real fast it seems to get mad and plays them all almost at once

Hey sup dude, this is werd from RS and FH! Great job man!

get one moa brah…:pir:

hey werd…how u been? i like this place. lotsa hawaiians :slight_smile:

nice…how’d u do the water effect?

pretty nice site. my one comment is on your portfolio section, websites. I think that putting your designs in the browser skewed like that makes it look amatuerish, I think that there could be a better way that you could present it that would flow w/ your site much better.

I think the water effects came from:

hey when you click the enter button on the splash page, the content area shifts to the left a hair once your main page is loaded.

Wow the water really impressed me. That’s about the highest quality it can go :thumb:! The lighting that comes through was realistic.

The site was amazing :). Matches everything :thumb:.

for the record…i didn’t buy the water effects from anybody. i tediously made them myself with this plugin in after effects. i also used a light plugin. i looped the movie for 2 seconds and exported an image sequence. uses this same commercial plugin, amongst others, to make ready made swf’s.

Yeah that is where I have seen similar movie clips, but kudos to you for doing them yourself. They look great.

You must not be Haole :stuck_out_tongue:

You must not be Haole :stuck_out_tongue:

actually i am lol. just givin a shout out to the 808. :smirk: