I challenge ReverendFlash

I challenge ReverendFlash to a battle.

Graphics, Flash whatever.

Friendly battle.

What do you say Aulman?

Whoa - never seen Rev battle. Might wanna PM him just incase he doesn’t know you’re challenging him :).

Im not sure that Rev is the type to battle with graphics… But if he does, the both of you should also have a Cooking Contest, in order to level the playing field…

too bad you never finished our battle jnicklo…coulda been a good one:sigh:

Hey unflux - how’s that thing with you and lostinbeta coming? Whens the new site gonna release :)?

:stuck_out_tongue: :thumb:

LOL thats a good one.

But this isnt Emerel Live or The Iron Chef. This is Kirupa Forum. Im not interested in baking birthday cakes.

I didnt say just graphics did I ? I included Flash

Anyway, pass the word along to him so I can hand him a much deserved butt whipping.

your need for external validation is sad. Again I suggest you seek professional help soon.

Also, your obsession with me has to end. It just isn’t healthy.

your need for external validation is sad. Again I suggest professional help soon.

Ahahahahaha!! Count it! :ch:

You’re way too predictable.

Are you afraid to have your butt handed to you on a silver platter in front of your fellow Kirupians?

Come on Louie. You’ve got such a big mouth but can’t back it up.

Let’s go.

You can pick the topic, size, rules ect.

If you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bull****.


jnicklo - what are you trying to proove, and who are you trying to proove it to??

Do I hear mr.rev turning down a shullunge?

Joe is right…you are so predictable…here is what he told me in an instant message not too long ago…

conversation begins after Joe has given a link to this thread to me

Me: Good for you Joe…I want to see you humiliate him
Joe: He wont accept
Me: :smiley:
Joe: hes extremely predictable
Joe: he’ll say
Joe: "i have nothing to prove to you"
Joe: bla bla bla
Me: lol

Now Joe is not phsycic so he didn’t get it on the dot…but I would say it’s pretty close…don’t back down mate…you are only showing your weakness.

Im trying to prove that your beloved Aulman is nothing but a big mouth that wishes he could have 1/8 of the talent people here have.

He has a BIG mouth and thinks he can’t ever fall off of his horse.

Of course, he’ll turn it around on me and claim I need professional help.

A typical coward that runs his mouth.

Its just a graphics battle, nothing more. If he doesnt want to accept that’ll only confirm my notion that his a lame person posing as a “designer”.

Joe - you better get ready for some brutal comments :ogre:…after a post like that :P.

Um, if he, like you, makes a living off of his business (and he lives in a very expensive place), then doesn’t that say something?




I am dead serious about the obsession thing. Stop it now.

I have never claimed to be superior in anything, including design (heck, I’ve never claimed to be an expert in Flash, and I’ve been studying that for 7 years). So just stop this immature attempt at stirring up crap.

I am comfortable in my own skin. I don’t crave external validation. I don’t battle. It has been common knowledge since this forum was created.

Deal with it and move on, 'cause it isn’t gonna change with some sarcastic attempt at motivation and taunts.

I’m locking this thread, since nothing more can be said.

::EDIT::I have never once entered a contest, battle, or competition for my design skills anywhere. Ever. So for the future, don’t even try to goat me into a battle. ::/EDIT::