I created an Atomz.com search in Flash!

Hi,\rOkay, I think I had a very lucky breakthrough. Download the FLA from “<a href=“http://www.hurricaneeye.com/NisSearch.zip".">www.hurricaneeye.com/NisSearch.zip”.</a> What I did was that once the text input field and the button were created, take your Atomz.com code and switch the two values of “sp-”. \r\rThe Atomz.com code for HTML is :\r\r(!-- Atomz Search HTML for timesjlt.com --)\r(form method=“get” action=”<a href=“http://search.atomz.com/search/")">search.atomz.com/search/”)</a>\r(input size=15 name=“sp-q”)(br)\r(input type=submit value=“Search”)\r(input type=hidden name=“sp-a” value=“sp1001cc56”)\r(input type=hidden name=“sp-f” value=“iso-8859-1”)\r(/form)\r\rNow, when you type in the search in HTML, the results page link address (If I search for ) has a code that looks like this:\r\rsearch.atomz.com/search/?..sp1001cc56\r\rJust switch the two values of “sp-” into this:\r\r[url=“http://search.atomz.com/search/?sp-a=sp1001cc56&sp-q=****”]search.atomz.com/search/?..&sp-q=\r\rThe “GetURL” function should be your Atomz.com search code like this:\r\r[url=“http://search.atomz.com/search/?sp-a=sp1001cc56&sp-q=****”]search.atomz.com/search/?..&sp-q=\r\rWhere "" will be your input.\r\rNow the only problem I faced, if you look at my FLA, is that my text field input didn’t get added into the “GetURL” function. Which is why when I type in a search and click go, it opens up a browser and tries to get the results, but without the input. There was just a “?” sign.\r\rNow I’m sure one of guys out there can help me out here, but how do I make the text field input part of the “GetURL” function? Again, explain this like I’m a 9 year old, I’m just too much of a beginner at this :slight_smile: \r\rNischint

answer is on flash 5 forum…no need to post all over the place!

visit: http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/atomzsearch.asp