I GOT A CAR (Again)!

i just baught a 97 saturn. 140,000 miles and it runs great. Its almost in new condition. i will post some pictures monday!!!


cool beans alex. now what do you plan to do with your old car?

didnt he ‘give’ it back? tahts cool, saturns run forever my cousines and my neighbors have one and love em.

i got my money back the other day :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m glad it all worked out for ya Alex :slight_smile:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Alex *
**97 Saturn. 140,000 miles

Its almost in new condition?

:beam: **

Is that an oxymoron but i am Happy for yah Alex hope this isn’t a lemon also

ummmmm how didya get your money back lex??? im interested in the story lmao

i went down to the place, i told him the car was crap. end of deal

he gave me my money back in cash.


he only gave me 1100. and i paid 1200. so i counted it again and i told him that im missing 100. He pulled it out of his pocket…

i think he was trying to pull a fast one on a 16 year old…

good, always count it :thumb: happend when i was selling something to my friend, he was short some cash and was like count it again. lol. glad to hear you got it all back though :beam:

thats great lex the means the guy actually know the car was crap lmao

yup, all of my firends told me to beat the crap of of the car befor i returned it.

“go 100 on the highway and put it in park”


but i didnt=)

that would roll it

here is a picture…

more to come later:stunned: :azn:

oo looks good, i think my neighbor has one thats just newer (98/99). lol morse sounds like you have tried it?

lol. i just went through a tank of gas. only took me 15 to fill it up :stuck_out_tongue:

:scream: stop driving! glad to hear its fun though :thumb:

i think im going deff :stuck_out_tongue:

measures if 2000 watt speakers will fit in the trunk


its a great car. i love it :love:

lol. if not i know a guy who knows a guy whos sisters boyfriends brother-in law’s uncle has a girfriend whos brother does that kind of work (trunk expansion). :stuck_out_tongue:



i might go for another spin around town- haha

but… this means i will be spending less time here :frowning: