I hate flash! ::angry::

I haven’t opened flash up for weeks and now I start trying making something everything just goes wrong! Now I realized how full of bugs flash is!
I made a prealoader with a two-frame-loop and when I tested it it said NOT RESPONDING! Like if I had a neverending array!
Then I spent 2 hours fixing it and came up with an idea of placing the preloader on a movieclip! Now it seems to work but now another thing is buggong me! I’M SO MAD!
This make me soooooo angryyy!
:scream: :bad: :x :scream:

Hehe… welcome to the wonderful world of programming.
It’s funny how the words “programming” and “messing” are very close to each other. :wink:

Relax, save and close everything and restart later today or tomorrow. That’s the best thing to do in moments like these…
Do NOT hit your monitor. :wink:



and like kajinku says, walk away for a while…


I’m not goona hit my monitor cuz it just shows me the stuff my pc box messes up! I’m gonna kick it off the table and tear out the main board and the processor if I get very mad!
Now it appears that because of the flash bugs I can’t put music on my wesite!
Nice try mister Flash! I’m not giving up! I am not beaten yet!

btw can you see my footer cuz I can’t! :-
It worked on my pc! :-\

*Originally posted by Syko *
**I’m not goona hit my monitor cuz it just shows me the stuff my pc box messes up! I’m gonna kick it off the table and tear out the main board and the processor if I get very mad!
Now it appears that because of the flash bugs I can’t put music on my wesite!
Nice try mister Flash! I’m not giving up! I am not beaten yet!

Owwwkay, someone needs a nap. :wink:
[SIZE=1]does mister flash exists?[/SIZE]

Mister Flash? The mighty god who controls all Flash?

btw can you see my foooter?

If your footer is a black rectangle where nothing happens, yes. :slight_smile:

it works on my pc, it works when I look at it directly where it is… (http://www…) but it doesn’t work here!!! W T F

Well, it’s kind of strange. It was all black ractangles with nothing in it before, but now it’s or empty, or with “Splinter Cell” or with something else…

omg now it’s going crazy!
Now it’s wprking and the next moment it’s not!
It’s supposed to show random pics but it kinda sows… but then again it doesnt! But it works fine when you go to www.hot.ee/syko/footer.swf (resize window for better quality)
or on my pc! Whata’aaa

Syko, your footer works on my pc too, it’s pretty :slight_smile:

thx! There’s something really strange goin’ on!
Must be the feds They’rre on to me!
Gotta run!

it werks here, but its small! i cant read it

Well, yeah, it works, but is an empty black rectangle part of the random images? I can see Splinter Cell and the other one, but sometimes there’s just… nothing.


you may wish to redo the idea of your footer altogether. The idea of downloading a diff image for each time you post in a thread kinda defeats the 15k limit… don’t you think?

think of the people on dial-up, if you post 10 times in a thread, they have to d/l all of your images each time…



huh? what diff imgs? i just see his smooth metal one…

well hit the reload button - true you must have put the wrong name on one of your swf, it sometimes load a blank animation…

hum… well you’ve got a point there but lost said it’s acceptable!
well I have to make a new one anyway cuz this is malfunctioning!

OMG! Yesterday I couldn’t get the music playing phor my web page! Today I open up Flash and the music just starts playing! Now I can’t get it to stop! OMG
This is driving me… freeakin’ nuts!