
i love when you try something new in flash, and it works the first time! wee!! :crazy:

so what’d you try? (-:

lol. controlling a loaded external swf from the main movie by variables and if conditions and jazz. :beam:

plus, a good song just came on my winamp! wee!

now all you need is a massage…

gives golgi a massage

holy cow! you are a saint :beam:

hey liam, how come i can’t see your footer?

haha :thumb:

about my footer, well it’s weird… my whole server is down right now, footer, main site, e-mail, everything…

and since i can’t access my e-mail, i can’t really talk to my hosting company! oh well, they usually fix it quickly and besides im just redesigning anyways…

speaking of that, how’s ur site comin’?

its comin. lol. i’ve been working on it for an ungodly amount of time. i think it’s about 30 hours now? hrm.
i got a job lead, and i want to finish it up so i can show it to the guy instead of my old stupid portfolio site.
thank god for my trusty fridge full of molson and my large quanity of toothpicks (for eye propping).
i think i’m gonna take a break and go run aorund with my dog for a few.

and you should have my server! it never goes down and its a great deal!