Can I use his IP to track his house and then kill him in his sleep?
Can I use his IP to track his house and then kill him in his sleep?
WTF!!! If a preloader is too hard for this guyto even TRY AT ALL… then he should give up Flash right now.
got my footer working. Apparently my friend neglected to pay for the domain so my site isn’t down, the domain just doesn’t point to it anymore…
Your footer never went down for me… weird :-\
must’v been cached for you, or your regional server, etc…
yeah that is strange… you’re just a weird kid lost, because I couldn’t even see it and its my image! and my server!
hes just young and not very fluent in english. Those in combination dont work well under the circumstances in this situation :-\
yeah i didn’t understand the language part until recently. I’m glad I didn’t flip out on him
Rev: I clear my cache every night before I shut down my computer and head off to bed, so it couldn’t have been cached.
Jubba: Yes, I am very weird
Sen: Yes, I just saw that as well. 14 y/o Pakistani guy who doesn’t speak english. Anyone here speak Pakistanian or whatever?
Nice footer, Jubba. Subtle.
oh, it will get better. I just need time to play with it… [maniacal laughter] MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA coughHackwheeez**coughHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [/maniacl laughter]
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