Hey ,
Shane, ur inboxs full …
I amon AIM … now… jAy

lob’s inbox is always full…how much is max pm you can recieve anyways??

No clue but I have less in my box now than I did before when it was full! I have 11 messages right now and it says it is full.

I wish people would care enough to PM me :-\ hehe

No you don’t :stuck_out_tongue:

I get the same questions over and over from different members.

about 95% of them being “how did you do your flash footer?”

[SIZE=1]note: my stupid server is still down so you can’t see my flash footer right now[/SIZE]

lost your server has been down for a while no?

Yeah it was a HD crash. They stated they were going to put in a new one last night and it would be up sometime today.

So it better be up sometime today!!! :scream:

lol yeah i know really? what code did you use for the mirror text in your footer? i saw it at bb forum too and now i am curoious…

If you are talking about Kappa… that kinda makes me mad!!!

He came here and signed up at this forum… then he completely ripped my footer text and posted a thread in the test section and change it to his own, now he uses it at the BB forum. I hear he has no skill of his own though, so maybe I should let him be.

<FONT FACE="Verdana" STYLE="font-size: 10px">Are you lost in beta? If not, then visit <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">Beta-X</A></FONT>
<div style="width: 250; font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana; color: #9E9E9E; Filter: FlipV">Are you lost in beta? If not, then visit Beta-X</div>

i dont know, he seems to be good with some stuff…ok so its DHTML? cool, i thought it waslike JS but i was wrong. cool never would have know that…thanks!

No, it is CSS. The filter:FlipV is a CSS filter.

Beware though… CSS filters are hella tacky if you don’t use them right. Be wise.

Oh yeah, I also dislike Kappa because Dan showed me a thread where he badmouthed kirupaforum and talked about how much it sucks and it is just a spam forum and that BB forum is better and stuff.

That was AFTER he came here and stole my footer.

well i like BB cause they dont joke and are not afraid to tell you what they think of stuff you do…they are harsh and mean, its not like here, i post a lot of my stuff there to see what the world with think, cause they give it straight up. yeah i cant talk though cuase i dont really know him. cool i dont know much css though i really want to.

I can’t stand BB forum because it is full of people that what to kiss BBs backside. But whatever, that is just my opinion on the forum, I hate it and glad I am not a member.

Anywho: CSS is really easy to learn, and if you do HTML pages, CSS will help you out immensly.

Who is BB?

Billy Bussey. he is a pretty good designer, but too many people suck up to him in the forum.

well the new mood at the forum is being pissed with him…a year late on V2…

Yeah he is a year late now isn’t he?

You have those people that are pissed because he didn’t release, then those people that suck up to him like “Billy… take as long as you would like… I will wait forever for your version 2… I will watch in my grave if I have too!”

Those people piss me off. Sure late is late… it happens, but a whole year late!!! I remember when he just announced V2… it was set to launch in Jan 2002… then he kept pushing that date back and back, and now he just has V2 on his main page with no link. He should remove V2 from his splash! I mean… when he actually gets closer to launching it, he can put it back up, but as of now, it seems like it isn’t going to happen.

OH NO!!! I am turning in a BB member!!!

[SIZE=1]in case you didn’t notice this whole post was mocking BB members[/SIZE]

*Originally posted by lostinbeta ***
about 95% of them being “how did you do your flash footer?”

How did you do it anyways? :beam:

Check the tutorials for ones on easing… then you will see how I did it.

