Hmm… Interesting… That’s why I don’t browse around the net that much… So I know all my ideas will be fresh and new…
Well… If I ever have ideas… lmao
playamarz :beam:
Hmm… Interesting… That’s why I don’t browse around the net that much… So I know all my ideas will be fresh and new…
Well… If I ever have ideas… lmao
playamarz :beam:
nice =)
The site mentioned at the beginning of the thread is not a total rip, but it shares a lot of similarites with other sites designed by 2A. A lot of the animation such as arrows going around the square reminds of a dj’s site that 2A advanced designed a bit earlier.
The home page’s layout and colors are similar though - some creativity did go into making it original though
Kirupa :pirate:
Aye its not a rip
eh, that web site puts mine in the trash compacter.
I dont think its ripped off, I think its the best flash site yet. 2A stinks compared to it lol.
Hm, I think it is not a rip of 2a. The Menu is kind of blurry, the loader is to full. And he pretty much has a different style as you see at the very top of his site…
OMG even his logo is a rip if you go here you can see he ripped it from here:
this person here either has no creativity at all or is very lazy
Rip or not, I dont like it. If I want a psychodelic trip I just watch 12 Monkeys or something.
Functionality? Very low grade in my book… But hey, more power to them.
Rip? Well, it’s okay to be inspired by the work of others. If I pick up my pencil and try to draw a ballerina, will someone think Im ripping off Degas?
We may look at an awesome site and say, Hmm… that is appealing to me, but I like it this way better. So you change it a little; you draw from their idea to create your own. You see a flower, you draw it in flash, but instead of round petals you decide you like them square… who are you ripping off?
Before the flood of bashing begins, I do agree that some people dont even try and they will just blatantly make a duplicate of someone else’s site. Microsoft calls them templates in Frontpage hahahhaa (no offense, Kirupa!)
*Originally posted by GARRETTDESIGN *
**Now THIS is a rip:
orig: **
Holy cow though, is good!
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