I´m such a nosy guy...:(

Early today i posted a personal view about the last night´s flame war on the Phil is the substance that makes this… this thread.

That thread was deleted, and even after kirupa told me it wasn´t my fault i can´t help but think it was.
What surprises me is that this thread was deleted while the ghosts? thread, the one were the war took place, wasn´t.
My conclusion is that something uglier happened there.

So, i just want to apologize to everyone, specially phil, shane, david and edwin. I had no wright to meddle. When i got to the war thread the war was kindaof ended, kidaof… but i got really sad, and wanted to express my feelings, and i did. But when i got to my senses and realized it wasn´t my bussiness, the thread was already deleted.

And if i ofended in any way, anyone, plz let me know, that way i´ll have a chance to apologize.
Send me a PM, coz i think tha the forum had enough for this month.

I´m being sincere when i say that ofence was not my intention.

omg, my apologies guig0 - I deleted the wrong thread.

nice going k-man:P
lol j/k

=) Let’s just forget the ghosts thread for a while - a long while lol.

ah man, i wanted to read it again to:(


and you make me look really stupid too :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

oh well… that happens :stuck_out_tongue:

lol… It’s allright guig0 and everyone…

Take it easy… :slight_smile:

Big group hug for us all…

smacks guig0’s hand
Don’t try it buddy…

lmao… :trout::trout::trout::trout:

There I trouted myself for that one :slight_smile:

I’m glad that they were both deleted…:whistle:

…But I was glad to see that the 2nd thread was toning down…a bit…

I wanted to say something as well Guig0, but could never make it sound right in my head in a way that wouldn’t flare things up with one or more of the (main) participents…

Kirupa:…what thread - I don’t see any thread…:!:

…On the side topic of keeping things from getting that way again:

It seems to me it would be too cumbersome/awkward to try and limit the topics that can be discussed… easier to set a temperature limit and shut things down whenever it crosses - …regardless of the initial subject matter…

Hey RelandR,

welcome to the fourms, and i am sorry that you have to see what happened last night. and i hope you stay here for a while and enjoy your stay.


Thanks for the Welcome !..I love this place -
[size=1]I can tell this place is way better than most in spite of that lil fiasco[/size] -

I’ve seen some knock-down drag out fights occur over the likes of grammar and Speeeeling … it’s ok… :!:

methInks that we sometimes forget that this only a forum on the internet and go way tooooo serious for way toooo looong :stuck_out_tongue:
…hey I’ve done it…:blush:

Some Smileys never learn

RelandR :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

you´re a funny guy, one of the best recent acquisitions of this forum :wink:

glad you´re here =)

[EDIT]oh… and if we start wars over grammar and Speeeeling i´ll be forced to use only smilies in my posts :stuck_out_tongue:

btw, me thinks you spelled spelling wrong: too much e´s and too litle l´s :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :P[/EDIT]

Playa: sniff [SIZE=1]it won´t happen again…[/SIZE] sniff… k? :*(

yes like area 51! they had a special about that on the discovery channel…dear god…i watch the discovery channel.

:bad: i bet kirupa did it on purpose :bad:

i heard him planning on subverting guig0 into feeling guilty then taking his lunch money

kirupa is a big bulley :bad:

bad kirupa bad :bad:

:sigh: its so boring now…why don’t we ban aislin again for laughs :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, ban your self and aislin then we can laugh=) :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


no no no, we ban aislin only not me

or how about we ban YOU



oh **** i just realized today i get erased by kax…lemme go check if i’m still here

All this tlak of baning again is gonna cause an uprise and panicking…

cough… :-\

*Originally posted by Makaveli *
**:bad: i bet kirupa did it on purpose :bad:

i heard him planning on subverting guig0 into feeling guilty then taking his lunch money

kirupa is a big bulley :bad:

bad kirupa bad :bad:

Hmm, never thought about stealing lunch money from Guig0 before - thanks mak for the inspiration. Now to find a way to drive all the way to Rio =)

Kirupa :rambo:

then do it now :ub: !

the trip i mean… coz the carnival started lastnight :wink: i´ll post pics for you guys…

Oooo… Pictures of the woman who can twist into a cannon and be shot out would be nice :beam: