Early today i posted a personal view about the last night´s flame war on the Phil is the substance that makes this… this thread.
That thread was deleted, and even after kirupa told me it wasn´t my fault i can´t help but think it was.
What surprises me is that this thread was deleted while the ghosts? thread, the one were the war took place, wasn´t.
My conclusion is that something uglier happened there.
So, i just want to apologize to everyone, specially phil, shane, david and edwin. I had no wright to meddle. When i got to the war thread the war was kindaof ended, kidaof… but i got really sad, and wanted to express my feelings, and i did. But when i got to my senses and realized it wasn´t my bussiness, the thread was already deleted.
And if i ofended in any way, anyone, plz let me know, that way i´ll have a chance to apologize.
Send me a PM, coz i think tha the forum had enough for this month.
I´m being sincere when i say that ofence was not my intention.
…But I was glad to see that the 2nd thread was toning down…a bit…
I wanted to say something as well Guig0, but could never make it sound right in my head in a way that wouldn’t flare things up with one or more of the (main) participents…
Kirupa:…what thread - I don’t see any thread…:!:
…On the side topic of keeping things from getting that way again:
It seems to me it would be too cumbersome/awkward to try and limit the topics that can be discussed… easier to set a temperature limit and shut things down whenever it crosses - …regardless of the initial subject matter…