I need a web graphics program

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**yea I did notice 105314 was asking for a cdKey for 3dsmax…
I think I just have to get adjusted to it **

Re: the first part of your post… I know, and it seems like this thread is just another way of asking the same thing (but more so by beating around the bush :stuck_out_tongue: )

Re: the second… I totally agree… FW could be awesome, but I am soooo not used to it so therefore I might miss its greatness - that is until I get acclimated - very much agree with you Lost.



That is the reason I don’t use PS much… My clients don’t ask for stuff that needs PS to be done, and the interface doesn’t feel like a glove, the way FW does…


Then again, I dumped out of PS when I saw what people like Edwin can do. In design school the PS masters far outweighed the few web designers at the time…


Rev… I guess we are mirror opposites with PS then… because I feel like the interface was made for me (mainly due to the fact I’ve been using for a long time) - and I know all the hot keys which is huge for big projects - I whip through stuff in PS then I try the same stuff in another proggie, and I am like…hmmmm where is the line tool, no thats a marquee… wait thats fill… doh I just deleted everything (well maybe not that bad, but you get it:P )


My brother is the same, just with Paint Shop Pro…

He can do all kinds of stuff with that, I open it up and say, where is the paintbrush? how do I optimize?

It’s all what tool you are comfortable with…


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
It’s all what tool you are comfortable with…


Yep… exactly :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Yep… exactly :slight_smile: **

I agree with Lost on this one, exactly!


So Ryall agreed with Rev, I agreed with Ryall, who agreed with Rev, and you agree with me, who agreed with Ryall, who agreed with Rev.

Wow… agreed.

I DISAGREE!:stuck_out_tongue:

Ok then Jubba…

We will agree to disagree :slight_smile:

I agree with Lost that we all disagree. =)

Im going to have to disagree that we all agree, in fact I totally agree with the statement that we actually disagree, and even more so agree with any disagreement. :o


I agree with Ryall, we all agree…
