it would be hella tight. \m/ :thumb:
so i guess you guys are in…new contestants are flashmatazz and mrE. enough said. a 4 way battle. so why dont you start first mlk since i kinda dont get it, maybe from your first serve ill be able to comprehend from it. line up will be
. so mlk, you start off first.
you know… we could all be working on our first serve all at the same time… as long as we each have our stocks and themes picked out for us. as long as we don’t have to incorporate anything from the last person’s serve.
so flashmatazz… could you pick out my stock image, and the opposite theme for it or whatever, so i can get started? I’m anxious as crap to make some new designs.
but if you want to do one person at a time, then I have to pick an image and theme for mlk… coz i go before him. soooo… lemme think for a bit.
mlk, your stock is at:
the thought is “cereal killer” or “stalker” or “criminal”
does this work? it’s hard to think of things this way. let me know what’s up mlk.
I thought everyone would pick their own image and theme. Not sure though (-:
Or we could work on the same image per round? So 1st round everyone would have a go at the bunny, second round somebody picks a new image.
im so confused…where the hell is mlk!!!
messing with his bunny I guess
Fine, let’s do it all four of us. We each get to do the image proposed by one of us (which incidentally means four rounds :beam: ). That means that we all start by doing the war machine with the bunny, and then we’ll choose one of your images/theme (mrE already has something so I guess we’ll use his afterwards…)
I’ll start werkin on my bunny today…
g’luck to you all !
i think i understand now.
for everybody’s first serve… we’re all using the bunny, right?
and then the second serve, everybody uses the same image and theme, right?
that works best, i think.
Exactly. I wish I had chosen another rabbit picture because that one is a pain to remove the background from… ohwell. That’ll add a bit of difficulty.
Good to hear I’m not the only one having some problems extracting the bunny
hmmmles… it may take a while for me to get my first image up. sorry. i’ve got a lot going on.
hope there isn’t a time limit or w/e.
i wish this was just a regular tennis match where i edit the pic from mlk and so on.
i think the whole theme idea that mlk had is very challenging. maybe too challenging.
not only is it hard to think of opposites for the stock pictures that we choose, but it’s generally hard to accomplish creating something using the theme/rules given.
silent.gear, want to start a 2-way with me instead, and let the other two do this thing? we could start our own new rules and thread. I’m up for it if you are, bro.
backing out are we Anyways, it’s up to you what you wanna do.
I already made something, not sure if I should post it already though? I’ll probably get b*ttspanked all over the place, but who cares as long as I improve on my PS ‘skills’…
i’ll finish it by tonite probably (well tonite european time :beam: )… But i haven’t worked out something either yet… Let’s just do 2 battles and we’ll switch opponents for the next (and i won’t be choosing pics this time =) )
Ok, here’s mine:
Hope you like it. Any constructive criticism is welcome, since I still need to learn a lot about PS.
Hah! I wove it!
Pwetty bunnies! :bu:
hey mrE, sure, why not. me and you. ill post another thread.