Hello there.
I need your help. I want to do a “drop-down” menu, a menu that falls down as I hold my pointer over a button. Thing is, when I then move my pointer downwards against the other sub-categories in my drop-down menu, the hole thing disappears! Because I let the mouse leave the first button!
Get my point? I’t probably easy enough, and I’d love a tutorial!
make a new invisible button around the menu button and the sub buttons by leaveng the first 3 frames blank and filling only the “hit” frame of the new button. Like make a square and cut out the menu (with the submenu).
Like the button is all around the menu but not on the menu.
and add actions to it
on(rollOver) {
<the menu disappearing actions>
so when you rollover it (move out of the menu) the menu dissapears…
I’m no guru on explaining stuff but I’m doing the best I can. It’s all logical actually.