IE 6 support

Do you think it is a good idea to serve out crappy .gif images to ie6 users and tell them to upgrade to firefox or ie7? This way they can view the page, but it just won’t look that great compared to other browesers.

[QUOTE=Templarian;2323610]Simp in web development I wouldn’t use a JPEG for the site, but its fine for the photos/content images. The entire sites files should all be in PNG IMO to improve scalability and allows images to be swapped with transparent ones at will without editing all image paths.

Plus I’m a huge supporter of lossless compression I hate finding images online that are not in the best quality they could be. I mean I would rather have all the images be a few kb larger than in anything other than lossless.
If you’re compressing your images to a degree where you can see a noticeable difference between a JPG and PNG you’re doing something very wrong. A JPGs losslessness is very insignificant to the naked eye at 100%. To me it’s all about the speed and application, if at 100% viewable, a GIF can give me the same quality as a JPG or a JPG can give me the same quality as a PNG, or vice versa, then I’ll take the lowest file size over a lossless PNG any day.

The entire sites files should all be in PNG IMO to improve scalability and allows images to be swapped with transparent ones at will without editing all image paths.

What? I don’t think I follow. When you say “site files” what exactly do you define as “site files”? And in what scenario would you need to replace the images like you’ve mentioned above?

If you ask me, if for some reason you have a JPG or GIF on your site that is already doing exactly what it should be doing, and then all the sudden need it to be able to support transparency on a whim just for the sake of it, that’s completely poor development and planning IMO.

Oh when I design a site I separate the sites files into two folder “content” and “style” (wordpress does the same idea).

All the images used in the sites design are kept in PNG and the content can be in what ever format is best.

Simp, isn’t it easier to just use PNG all the time in a site, being that the filesize is not that off from jpeg and always produces a clearer image (yes I’m aware you can see all filesizes for each file type before you save, but still).

I’m not really concerned with gif all that much the only time I ever use it is for smilies and or small images less than 20x20.

I always use gif for images with really simple colors and sharp edges… Small file size and it looks great.

…Yea, no one still doesn’t have any idea on enabling the alphaImageLoader in IE6 tho.

well i would like to add more comment…

Around the world there are many people still don’t even know about the FF, opera and safari etc. That there are other browser also.
What they know is surf internet, and by default they gatt IE6 browser only. They even don’t bother about the other browser… or try to upgrade their browser to IE7 or IE8.

So the better solution is to make your site always compatible to IE6. you never know how and where your site is gone viewed. Because that is the least browser used all around the world, as well as that is the default browser with the windows XP.

[quote=DanontheMoon;2323320]Yes, and the .gif should read, “Why the hell are you still using Internet Extorter 6?”


Tell my company, they must be waiting for IE 8 before they upgrade to 7.


Does IE7 have auto version updates? If not, then even trying out IE8 is pointless, cause it would take like 5 years for it to dominate.

^Windows update should always update everything… its just a pain that windows allows it to be turned off. Its on by default… why someone would turn it off is beyond me… the updates are done with the computer is shutting down.

Well, I checked “never update” for IE7 when Windows Update gave me the chance. I like IE6 installed, because standalone couldn’t render Digg correctly.

So an idea has been running threw my head for a couple of days now. We start a big campaign to get people to upgrade IE6 to IE7 switch to firefox, use something besides ie6. Right now it takes up around 28%. The campaign would have a fixed date, and on that date web designers stop supporting it. Maybe in like a year or something. We could all make a trip to our grandmas house and upgrade her computer, secretly upgrade your work place etc.

I work for a university and we only have to “support” IE7, FF, Opera, and Safari. If it just happens that works fine in other browsers yay if not I’m not paid to care. Its really a great movement on the universities part.

(these are only for faculty applications the actual public stuff has to work with IE6 and netscape even though I’ve never once tested anything in netscape).

Check this… Try to view my last website with IE6…


Ooops!!! hehehe

I’m sorry but I’ll dont spend more of my time giving IE6 support. In fact I think that WE (the webdesigners/webdevelopers) are the problem since we are still designing for IE6. We shouldn’t design for that old, cave, standardbreaking browser… IE6 is dead, we have to finish it off… I know that a 10% of my visits wont see my pages, but the other 15% will update… ¿to Firefox? xD It doesnt matter… but no more IE6 please…

This is a great idea. We the webdesigners have to finish off the IE6. How can we start it? What Date? We should write a manifest and spread the new to another webdesign comunities (not only kirupa)