Went and saw it tonight, wasnt too impressed, it is what it is, a scary movie but no plot whatsoever, i expected more from tarantino even though he didnt have that big a part in it.
I didn’t know this. The film is possibly better now it could have actually happened.
Overall I was let down. Maybe I’m just sick, but it didn’t really freak me out at all. I didn’t know too much about the film apart from it was suppose to be “the scariest/goriest” movie of all time, so I was kinda surprised at how much of a teen flick the first 45 minutes were, I wasn’t quite expecting all the boobies, I was expecting some good old torture.
The storyline did kinda lose its punch at the end when they reveal its a place where people who have the desire to kill/torture someone can go there and pay $25k to have someone captured. The whole punchline didn’t pack any punch Everything was done too half heartedly, might have been better if it was 15mins longer and ellaborated a bit more, or removed 15mins of the teen movie that was stitched onto the start.
Won’t really want to see it again becuase it bored me,
Film 3/10
Gore 7/10 (not as gorey as I was expecting)