I’ve always wished I was skilled enough to do those nice vectorized illustrations you see everywhere.
This is my first attempt involving a more complex pose I guess.
Anyway. Practise makes vector god I suppose, so I’ll just cancel any sun I had in mind for this summer.
All the extremeties were supposed to be exaggerated. That’s also why she’s got so big feet. That said I guess I do agree that something doesn’t look right about the neck…
And if there is a vector goddess around I’d love some pointers, especially if there happens to be some tricks on shading that I don’t know of as that’s my biggest problem every time.
i like it! especially if you’re not that experienced with vector stuff…
i particularly think that the feet are well shaded, even though they are a bit big… but then again you do explain that it’s meant to be exaggerated, so it’s all good!
for me, i think it’s the pants that look a bit weird, especially just above the ‘elastic’ bit… they seem to curve in a lot before they become puffy… just my thoughts
anyway, i hope you continue to improve your vector art, i’ve always had a liking for it too (maybe i should learn it also :P)
and yeah, i’m sure kit will help you out if you need it, there are also previous posts about vector stuff, and she’s written a tutorial etc