I'm Rich!

Sent through my site’s contact form:

From: veronica [veronica_johnson@jubii.dk]

My Dear,

I am Mrs.Veronica Johnson. From Ivory Coast, I am a widow being that I lost my husband a couple of some years ago.

My husband was a serving director of the Cocoa exporting board until his death, He was assassinated by january 2002 by the rebels following the political uprisng before his death, he made a deposit in the security company here in Cote d'Ivore the sum of $15.5 million dollars and whereby the the security company do not know the contents is money and all they know is family treasures, because the time my late husband made the deposit with them that what he told them and also told the that the consignment will be ship to his foreign associate in oversea.

I want you to do me a favour to receive the consignment as my late husband foreign associate in oversea in your country, so that I will come over to your country with my only son Kevin by name.

I have planes to do investment in your country, like real Esta! te and Industrial production, this is my reason for writing to you.

Please if you are willing to assist me and my only son, indicate your interest in replying soonest, I will ofer you 10% of the total money.

Thanks and best regards.
Madam Veronica johnson

Sender’s IP:

Wow imagine that, 10% of $15.5 million dollars. That’s $1.55 million dollars! Should I do it? :azn:

Can’t these people just open a checking account? Just withdraw the money once you get into the US…

… Is this for real…?

Sounds like junk stuff to me…

ok I am a very slow person now what does she want you to do?

Well duh its junk. However, I don’t think that was just a spam burst. Normally port 25 or atleast port 80 is open on the IP. Basically, somebody took the effort to do that :stuck_out_tongue:

:lol: You guys (except harish) are so gullible

My dad fell for one of those kinds of things once. Some guy was “trying to transport chemicals into the us” and needed an American coorespondent. (My dad’s a chemical engineer, so it sounded believable)

I have access to my dad’s email, I noticed all the coorespondence. I was laughing my *** off, and taught my dad a lesson :smiley:

^what an angel u r :stuck_out_tongue:

Is $1.55 million USD rich? :lol:

For a minor who’s unemployed and still dependent on his/her parents… a few hundred bucks is rich.

Ah my mum get them all the time. Worst crappy ever.

Yeah, they are probably trying to get drug money laundered into the US.

:lol: The people around here don’t get these enough…

They take your bank account information and take YOUR money.

The people in Nigeria must get rich off people like you :stuck_out_tongue:

Im stillign wait for my half of the ipod you got Oliver :smiley:

well, if she wants to marry me, i can be the foreign associate! :ko:

well, if she wants to marry me, i can be the foreign associate! :ko:

I ate it sorry :frowning: Now I need gum surgery cause your half broke almost every one of my teeth and made a second nose in my mouth.

w00t! Can I have some! :lol:

[whisper]There’s a site that has funny emails where they get the guys to do all sorts of things in hopes of stealing tons of money. They’re really funny.[/whisper]

How many of them are yours? :lol: ahahahahahahahahahhaha :beer:

If I get my 1.5 million, you can have .5 million :slight_smile: :lol: