Post Spam Mail Here


Dear Friend,

You may be surprise to receive this letter from me, since you don’t know
me personally; I am Nyoni Muyama the first son of Bantu Muyama who was recently
murdered in a land dispute in Zimbabwe.

I am writing this letter to request your assistance and confidentiality
to handle a transfer of funds into a Foreign account my late father was
among the few black Zimbabwean rich farmers murdered in cold blood by the
agents of the ruling Government of President Robert Mugabe, for his alleged
support and sympathy for the
Zimbabwean opposition party controlled by the white minority,Before my fathers
death, he has taken to Johannesburg and deposited the sum of Twelve Million
United State Dollars ($12million) with a Security and Finance Company as
if he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe.
This money was allocated for the purchase of new Machinery and chemical
products for Agro allied farm and for the establishment of new farms in
Lesotho and Swaziland.These land problems arose when President Robert Mugabe
introduced a new land act that wholly affected the rich white farmers, and
the blacks vehemently condemned the “modus operandi” adopted by the government.
This resulted to rampant Killings and mob action by the war veterans and
some political
thugs,precisely more than three thousands(3,000)people have so far been
killed.Heads of government from the west, especially Britain and United
States have voiced their condemnation of Mugabe’s plans. Subsequently, South
Africa Development Community (S.A.D.C) has continuously supported Mugabe’s
new land act, it is against this background that my entire family who are
currently residing in South Africa have decided to transfer my father’s
money into a foreign account.As the eldest son of my father, I am saddled
with the responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign account where this
money could be transferred without the knowledge of my government who are
tactically freezing our family’s wealth and South Africa government seem
to be playing along with them. I am faced with the dilemma of investing
this money in South Africa for the fear of encountering the same experience
in the future,since both countries have the same political history.
More so,The South Africa Foreign Exchange policy does not allow such investment,
Hence I am seeking for political asylum in The Netherlands. As a business
person whom I entrusted my future and that of my family into his hands,
I must let you know that this transaction is 100% risk free and the nature
of your business does not necessarily matter. For your assistance,we are
offering you 15% of the sum 80% for me and my family, while 5% will be mapped
out for any expenses that we may incurred during this transaction.We wish
to invest our money on commercial properties based on your advice. Finally,I
will demand for assurance that you will not sit on the money
when it gets to the account you are going to provide in your country. If
this proposal is accepted by you, please confirm by sending me an email.

Thank you and God bless you.

Awaiting your urgent respond.

Best Regard,
Nyoni Muyama.

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I delete it.
it’s a not really unusal Spam/Scam message.

Ahaha spam… I receive same mails from african dudes once or twice a day…

more fun to read then the frigiin viagra and p0rn ads… then again I don’t read them anymore with Thunderbird’s auto spam checker :beam:

exactly, not usual spam but scam.

First time i recieved an email like this myself, o well thread is useless i guess, lets convert it to a place where we all post the spam messages, it’d b fun to read :stuck_out_tongue:

Im’s voets to change the subject

Post Spam Here :stuck_out_tongue:

j/k :trout:


Common scam …
Common spam …

*Huh, what, IM ?

enough spam to feed a 125 Hungry Families in South Africa

We should have a thread dedicated to those poetry-type spams… I’ve gotten some weird ones in the past.

Dear Sir,

I know this message will come to you as a big surprise because we have not met before, but please do not think this is one of those scam or junk mails you received in your email box/fax machine and which I myself receive also.

My name is Mr Kofi Malin ,I am from the Federal Republic of Ghana and also the chairman,contract-awarding committee of my country Accra -Ghana. I have been on this position for the past ten years but I have nothing to show for it.I will love it, if the both of us could do business together, which both of us will richly profit from. Since I am the chairman contract Awarding Committee of my country,I will award a Twelve million US dollars ($12 million USD) contract in your favor to supply farming equipments tractors and harvesters.A Mobilization up front fee of six million U.S Dollars ($6 million USD) will be given to you to start the supply. But as soon as the mobilization fee gets to your hands, you are not going to do any supply.
You and myself will share this mobilization up front fee on a 50-50 basis (Equally). The reason why I want us to share this start up fee is because I have been in this position as the chairman for the past twelve years, and I don’t have a personal house of my own, my salary is a peanut. I cannot adequately take care of my children. In fact, things are very difficult for me.
If I retire,I will have nothing to fall back on.People come sometimes to seek for favor from me and after awarding them contracts they will not remember me again.

A lot of people promised and failed me. As a result of this, I want to help my self this time because I’ll not want to die poor man. If we do this business together, with your full co-operation and support we will finish the business within five days,since I am still the person who will release the start up fee to you.

You have nothing to fear.I want you to remove anything like fear from your mind. This is the safest business you can ever think of. I will give you more information on how we are going to do this business as soon as I receive your reply showing that you are ready to do the business with me. But please do not discuss this business with anybody, even your best friends until we have finished successfully.

I will want you to reply me immediately so that I can tell you the next step to take. In your reply, please include your private telephone / mobile, fax and email.


Kofi Malin

Looks allot like yours :slight_smile: Only From Mr Kofi :slight_smile:

I E-mailed him Back,

Heya Malin,
PLease take me of your mass Spam list. Thank you. If not I will hunt you down and kill you. Then you won’t need anything to “fall back on”

I don’t get any :to:

lol. your right T-O
just the change of name and few bits, good reply too…i replied that guy wid the kinda language which is not allowed over here, if i post the orignal mail it’d be like
************************************ allover hahahah

yeah I got a similar one a while ago but it was some doctor from the oil board of Nigeria and they wanted cash. I’ve also won 8 million euros in the dutch lottery (that I didn’t enter) and all I have to do is send them £200 and they’ll send it over.

Man how could I not, I sent them £200 along with my bank account number to transfer the cash straight into it…still waiting. For some odd reason my bank accounts been emptied as well but I’m sure they’re not connected in any way.

Wish I had some cash cause then I could reply to the message I got this morning for some shampoo & viagra. Honest, I got an ad telling me shampoo and viagra was cheap now and now was the time to order. What a weird shopping list that would be…