I have 5 images and 5 thumbnails, the 5 thumbs bring up the 5 large images.
thumbs 1 and 2 use the same image but diff labels so i copied an pasted in place the graphic symbol used for thumb/img 1 into thumb2/img 2. So the symbol is IDENTICAL, and placed in the EXACT SAME SPOT.
i click thumb 1, the graphic symbol comes up, NO PROBLEM
I click thumb 2, the graphic symbol comes up but the img GLITCHES a TINY bit??
i’ve tried over n over again, ive tried NOT using symbols, importing the SAME graphic twice for both 1 and 2… i STILL see this glitch.
And this glitch doesnt occur using this other photograph for img 4 n 5???
another strange thing, when i ZOOM IN and browse, the glitch is gone. it doesnt make sense to meeeee
HAHAHA, you are just getting a tiny taste of how Flash loves to treat imported images :evil:
If the glitch is what I am thinking it is, I believe if you convert it to a graphic symbol or movie clip symbol and decrease the opacity to around 97 or 99 or something, it helps this.
Electrongeek is the one that pointed this out. Maybe he will see this and mention more about it.
Also right click on the graphic in the library panel and open up the properties and fool around with the quality in there and uncheck the smoothing box too.
Yup, reducing the alpha of the images down to 97% will get rid of the glitch, if your images are sitting on top another image such as a background or something then also turn down the alpha of the background image as well to 97%. =)