Img on rollover effect. how?

the other day there was a thread floatin around where someone was xplning (to me i think) how to have an image load (not dynamically but from within the same movie) when u mouseover a button.

Could someone direct me to this thread or provide a quick and easy to understand tutorial on this plz.

Heres the fla that im testing with

Nothing appears when i mousover the button

It appears u didnt bring the movie onto the stage and give it it’s instance name of “movie” :slight_smile:

thanx but i think u need 2 fix ur link.

click again :slight_smile:

well, there are 2 ways. the first way is to put the picture in the “over” frame of the button, other wise, you need action script.

for this, here is how i recomend doing it:

  1. create a movie clip with 2 frames. the first frame blank, the second frame with the picture on it. make sure both frames have the stop command on them

  2. give your movieclip (hence forth MC) an instance name, for this we will call it “thingy” as an example

  3. in the button’s actionscript put:
    [AS]on (mouseOver) {
    tellTarget(“thingy”) {
    gotoAndStop(2); // if its not 2, then put whatever frame the picture is on
    on (mouseOut, release) {
    tellTarget(“thingy”) {
    gotoAndStop(1); // 1 should be the blank frame. this is non-negotiable

thnx mang, gonna go try it now