Select your image and hit F8 and make it in a new movie clip. Make the first frame and empty keyframe and have the image be in the second frame. Both frames should contain stop(); actions.
on your button add this script
on (rollOver){
on (rollOut){
The example I gave you required that you give your Movie Clip that contained your image be on the stage at the spot you wanted and given the instance name of “imageClip” (without quotes).
To give it an instance name simply right click on the clip, and choose “Properties”, then where it says instance name, give it the name.
If you did that, it should have worked perfectly.
<B>EDIT:</B> It also assumes your clip is on the main stage (aka _root)
Hmmm, I don’t see any reason why that shouldn’t work.
Do you have multiple instances of on(rollOver) and on(rollOut) on your button? If you do , this could cause conflict. You should always have only one of each if any at all. You probably do only have one, but I really don’t understand why it isn’t working.