In the middle of a site.....need your opinion!

Hi, im in the middle of a corporate site for a new fuel system, I think I just finished the general layout with the menu and I want to know what do u people here think? :slight_smile: I still think it needs more life the graphics but I need it to load very fast the flash banner…any suggestions? thanks! (the buttons dont work yet…)

BTW, thanks to Stringy for helping me out with the menu :thumb:

yo… i really like it… the needle on the fuel gauge isnt aligned properly on my browser

the easy fuel logo lets it down a bit, but other than that :thumb:

the needle on the gauge is very original. i have never seen anything like that on a site.

my thoughts exactly… may be a black and white version would look a little better (that is if you must use it).


thanks guys :slight_smile: yes we offer them to make a new logo but they dont want to :puzzle: ,

billystar, what browser are u using???

anyone else with suggestions? :slight_smile:

Looks good… not much to critique… pretty solid IMO.

One thing that I notice… and maybe it’s just my eyes… but it looks like the pictures the Bieven… and Login aren’t aligned vertically w/ eachother… I think the one on the Login one is a tad lower.

thanks simplistik, its hard to notice but yes I think its a tad lower, how the hell do u notice it?!?!? lol, but ur a designer, u got eyes for that, I dont think a normal people could see that :hugegrin: