Indiana Jones


Aww… i’m gonna go see it tonight probably. I’ll give my review then.

yeah, not impressed

George Lucas has gone insane. His original idea for the new Indiana Jones movie was “Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men from Mars”. Spielberg and Ford wouldn’t do it.

I’m reserving judgment on the new Indy movie until I see it. Raiders of the Lost ark is one of my most favorite movies of all time. Hopefully my childhood sentiments won’t be completely destroyed ($%#@ Star wars!).

Well its not to far off from that original idea & and it is definitely the worst in the series.

I’ll see it… for free, when one of my friends comes by with a burned copy. :lol:
Don’t hate on the newer Star Wars flicks. The embedded political commentary is beautiful, like when Padme says,
“So this is how liberty dies - with thunderous applause.”, or “Go ahead. Vote for (McCai… I mean,) Palpatine. Vote for the Empire. Make Mon Mothma vote for him too. Be good little Senators and keep your heads down.”

//You know, I had totally forgotten about Jar Jar. Your other points are completely valid too.

^ Jar Jar Binks. A 9-year old that is ridiculously over intelligent. Immaculate conception. The force is some kinda microscopic organisms. I could go on…

Political commentary aside, those movies had serious potential none of which was realized.

As far as Indiana Jones goes, there is no way they could ever surpass the Nazi Face-Melting goodness that is Raiders of the Lost Ark. I just don’t want to be embarrassed to be an Indiana Jones fan. Just don’t be really terrible please! I’m going to see it this weekend probably.


Incredibly uncalled for sequel. 3 / 10.

Just wait until the 5th Indiana Jones then you’ll lose your lunch all over the person sitting in front of you.

I went and saw it last night in the cinema and really enjoyed myself actually.

Don’t forget that this is family adventure movie we’re talking about, ya bunch of bloodthirsty hard-to-please scummy teenagers…

[quote=DanontheMoon;2330174]I’ll see it… for free, when one of my friends comes by with a burned copy. :lol:
Don’t hate on the newer Star Wars flicks. The embedded political commentary is beautiful, like when Padme says,
“So this is how liberty dies - with thunderous applause.”, or “Go ahead. Vote for (McCai… I mean,) Palpatine. Vote for the Empire. Make Mon Mothma vote for him too. Be good little Senators and keep your heads down.”

//You know, I had totally forgotten about Jar Jar. Your other points are completely valid too.[/quote]


fixed. :angel:

@Ordinathorreur Lets hope you didn’t enjoy yourself too much, and that you were quiet while doing so. :stuck_out_tongue: jk jk

Anyhow, I haven’t seen it yet, but I think Ordinathorreur could be right. It isn’t supposed to be much more than a family-fun flick.

I really enjoyed it, just suspend reality a bit (even for an Indy flick some parts were over the top) but it’s a decent fun summer film.

The first three were the best movies ever,; I hope the new one is good but I probably won’t see it 'till it’s out on DVD.

It was great, until the end. Then it got bad, really really bad, really really fast.

If you have not seen this movie DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT READ THIS SPOILER [spoiler=You’ve been warned]I heard he dies and they introduce like some new character that will follow in his footsteps, can anyone confirm this[/spoiler] Thanks

[QUOTE=grimdeath;2330415]If you have not seen this movie DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT READ THIS SPOILER

Ow! My eyes! Oh wait, I saw it so I’m ok.

You’ve gotta do [noparse][spoiler=whatever]stuff[/spoiler][/noparse]

[QUOTE=TheCanadian;2330418]You’ve gotta do [noparse][spoiler=whatever]stuff[/spoiler][/noparse][/QUOTE]

Cool thanks

You just ruined my life with that spoiler.