Indiana Jones

No Grimdeath, that doesn’t happen. Ending of the movie spoiler, DO NOT READ


Did you read it yet?

[spoiler=this happens]Shie Leabouf is Indy’s kid. The crystal skull is an alien skull and needs to be returned to mayan temple. They do so, alien comes to life, it’s ship sucks all the russians into it and they travel to their dimension. Yes, aliens. Indiana Jones and the woman get married, then a gust of wind blows Indy’s hat to the kid’s feet, he goes to pick it up but Indy wtfpwns him and takes it and the movie ends as they all walk out of the church.[/spoiler]

I enjoyed it right up until the stupid****retarded ending. WHY did they have to do that?

…but the swirly bit at the end was one of the coolest scenes, CG-wise, I’ve ever witnessed…


Wow, never knew aliens believed in God :lol:

watching tonight - review coming later.

It was great, until the end. Then it got bad, really really bad, really really fast.

It was good until the last 15 minutes.

[QUOTE=BS;2330839]It was good until the last 15 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Why- why does everybody hate the um ending.

I actually think the whole thing was pretty mixed. There were moments when I was like “yeah, this is Indiana Jones” and moments that were just off… like they were trying too hard and it just didn’t work.

it was oookkkk…really…eh

I quite liked it. The plot was ridiculously stupid, but it was more funny that way. :thumb:

[spoiler=Corrections]They’re not aliens! They’re multi-demionsal beings, and the Russian crazy women goes with them to learn all that they taught to the indians. Don’t call them aliens. ;)[/spoiler]

^Agreed. I just got back from seeing, and I thought it was a decent movie. Cheezy at parts and like “Jeff” said, rediculously stupid plot… but funny.

I was somehow severely disappointed that they had to use a plot device that’s *THAT *cheesy!

I mean WTF

ALIENS/Whatevveryouwanttocallthem is the answer to human life? I’m watching Indiana Jones not 2001: Space Odyssey right? Plus, they never explain how those Spanish explorers actually “steal” the skull in the first place…Why would the “aliens” let it be stolen in the first place? Oh, and nice attempt to explain Roswell hahaha…

[QUOTE=Theros;2331288]I was somehow severely disappointed that they had to use a plot device that’s *THAT *cheesy!

I mean WTF

[spoiler=Huh?]ALIENS/Whatevveryouwanttocallthem is the answer to human life? I’m watching Indiana Jones not 2001: Space Odyssey right? Plus, they never explain how those Spanish explorers actually “steal” the skull in the first place…Why would the “aliens” let it be stolen in the first place? Oh, and nice attempt to explain Roswell hahaha…[/spoiler][/QUOTE]

[spoiler=why?]Why is it so hard to believe the idea of aliens? Indiana Jones has always had a very supernatural side. Look at how Raiders ended- it’s basically the same just with aliens[/spoiler]

You do raise a good point though, about how the explorers actually stole it.

i agree with everyone saying it was good right up until the end when the stupid aliens thing came to light… WTF…

[QUOTE=Syous;2330411]It was great, until the end. Then it got bad, really really bad, really really fast.[/QUOTE]

I would agree with this 95%. For me it was ok until the end, then it got bad real bad real fast.

About a third through the movie I was enjoying it. Then I started to think it was slowing down and I was getting restless and bored. Then they were in jeeps in the jungle which is basically the chase through the mines from Temple of Doom but in jeeps. Then it went downhill faster than a fat man chasing an ice cream van.

Agree with lovepolice above as well but for me the jeeps through the jungle thing was where it started to go downhill for me. The sword fight and then swinging through the jungle was all a bit too much for me.

Terrible, save your cash for Batman I wish I had.

I will wait for video.

you’ll be waiting a while mate, I’d try dvd :thumb: :wink: