Intecom Networks

This is my old work, it used to have the chromeless window on this website… but chromeless window is no longer working with IE6 SP1… :frowning:
So I recently fixed it with the normal pop-up window! (but I still want my chromeless win back!! :frowning: :frowning: )
Please feel free to stop by: Intecom Network

I got a new website project to do lately… but I just have no ideas what should I do for this website and how its interface look like…etc. my brain is so empty now (maybe 'coz the valentine’s day)
Hope somebody can give me some suggestions for it.
This website project is also about a jade & diamond, jewellery collection company… exactly like the previous company that I dealed with! Mintexy

that 3d stuff looks great - especially when it zooms in on the outlines!

keep it up!


mariofans portfolio

I like the 3D work, the transition to solid to outline is really cool. The only problems I noticed is that the transitions are a bit slow and the back button text. The text itself blends into the background of seme sections for example the about section, I didn’t see the back button for a few seconds, maybe it’s cause I’m blind as a bat as well. =)

Over all I thought you did a nice job, the concept is good, but the main problem is the speed. Good job. =)

Thanks alot guys, I’m glad that you guys like the site. Please also help me to get some ideas for my new project.

Feel free to Check this out! I made this for my ex.
Umm…I’m moving on a new one tho, wish me luck!! :love:

Hey that’s pretty cool, I like how it’s syncronized with the music. What did you ex say when you gave it to her? She probably liked it huh Mr. Slick Rick! ahhaha :x

lol…she loves it so much, and really really happy… she even thought that I sang the song too, but I told her I ain’t Richard Marx… and I just said to myself, I just couldn’t get a date with the girl on the Valentine’s day, so I made this for her (my ex.)… coz I stayed home and bored, I didn’t even wanna waste my time to record my own singing for her… haha… I know I’m mean… but she doesn’t know it, and I still make her happy!
The clip doesn’t have any fancy transition or special effect, but I guess it has the magic of love. I feel moving each time I see it.
But meanwhile the new girl is all over my head!! lol

Hey you can change your :frowning: for a :slight_smile:

Check this


dude, that city thingy is TYTE!
Nice turn effect.

jeez, it looked like it was made in a extreme pro, program. When i zoomed in, it wasnt pixely so im guessing it was made in swift, THAT IS JUST AMAZING WORK MAN

Thanks alot you guys are so kind! Really comfort me when I’m so down lately!