Intel is taunting me

You all know that I’ve been trying to get my hands on an E6600 or E6700 for a while now. I’ve been making posts about it for a while. Anyhow.

This morning, after the whole Fry’s fiasco, I showed up to work. I’ve mentioned that I work at Sony. Well, I’m walking up to work today, and what do I see? A white van, with a big glossy Intel Core 2 Duo logo, and the words “leap ahead” on the side. There was a table set up in front of my building, and they were handing out coffee and t-shirts. Yeah. I’m being taunted.

I don’t have my CPU yet, but I do have a t-shirt and a napkin with the logo on it. :huh: I’m going to keep them until I get the real thing.