Iraqi Insurgeants

[font=Times New Roman][size=3]I found a really interesting document in this months Harpers magazine…[/size][/font]

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[font=Times New Roman][size=3]This reporter had to dye all his body hair black and pretend to be a retarded patient to get in to insurgent controlled part of Fallujah. After clearing a few checkpoints he made his way in to the most dangerous part of the Sunni Triangle and interviewed many Rebel, and Rebel leaders. And to his surprised, they didn’t blind fold him drag him to a cellar and rant to him on the evils of Globalization and evil Zionism and then drive off in Toyota pick-up trucks. [/size][/font]

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[font=Times New Roman][size=3]The interesting part he says, none of the Insurgents or anyone he talked too is for Saddam, and they are actually fighting under the leadership of the Muslim Association. And due to the fact that most reporters don’t speak Arabic, they report the general misconception that these are remnants of Saddam’s support, which can’t be further from the truth. In fact, even though they are from the Sunni triangles, and the Bathist party is mostly Sunni, most assassination attempts and coups during Saddam’s time originated from that very same Sunni Triangle. As in Saddam’s time and now, they say they are fighting oppression and an installed government that they don’t see as legitimate. [/size][/font]

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[font=‘Times New Roman’]This I think is a problem for US forces, if they are not fighting Saddam’s supporters they are fighting a group who cannot be this easily dismissed, and capturing Saddam, as previously though, does not matter to them one way or another. [/font]