Is it cool so far?

I’m almost finish making my site, and before i continued i wanted to know you guys opinion so far?:rambo:
JTJ Studios

Just moved it over to the site check forum :slight_smile:

This is one of those sites that’s really hard to critique because there is so much to point out that you don’t want to offend the person, but I’ll be honest with my comments.

First off I think the overall layout lacks professionalism, for example the drop shadows used are so bold and fake looking, I think it would look more realistic if the distance was reduced on the drop shadows and softening it up a little as well.

The button to the right that was obviously pulled from one of the flash example files is really tacky. If you want to present a professional image then I think you should lose that button.

Next is your text, you have a cursive style font for your nav buttons which doesn’t go too well with your layout and your content text is a bit large too.

I noticed a large white space at the bottom and I’m not sure if something is going to go there later or not, but if there isnt then you should get rid of it.

Overall, I think it needs more work if you’re trying to present a professional site. Those are my opinions, I’m not going to lie to you and leave you with no room for improvement, I hope you’ll understand.

i agree eletron, im not offended. It’s not like i’ve been doing this for years. But anyway thanx for the feedback:ninja:

why cant i get into your site?
the enter doesnt work:angry: