where the date in a different colour and sitting on a graphic and brief description of the news is dynamicaly loaded.
I would like to be able to create something where someone who is not familiar with flash can update a text file (or html) and have it dynamicaly update the flash file.
where the date in a different colour and sitting on a graphic and brief description of the news is dynamicaly loaded.
I have know idea about this but I have wanted the same thing.
I would like to be able to create something where someone who is not familiar with flash can update a text file (or html) and have it dynamicaly update the flash file.
Yes, you can definitely do this. Flash is reading a text file, if you change that text file and refresh flash it will output the new text. So you need a way to rewrite the txt file without ftping into the server and changing the file manually. You will need a third party software to do this like perl, php,asp. Make an interface in flash that reads the text file. In this interface you can change rewrite delete the text. Use loadVariablesNum to send the new text file to the third party software, which will rewrite the new text file.
thanks for the reply, the interface with the php makes sense.
there must be a way to dynamicaly generate graphics in flash when the news is updated, sort of like what www.2advanced.com has on their news updates section on the bottom right.
For the time being, i have no problem updating the news section manualy, but it’s not something that i want to be personaly doing in the future.
I can simplify things and forget about the graphics and just have text.
You can change the text by loading in HTML text. This allows you a few options with your text like bold, underline, and color. Do a search on loading dynamic HTML text - you’ll get a billion replies.
The PHP thing would work with the text file. That’s how I did this footer.
As for 2advanced.com, I think that it’s scrolling a movieClip with more than one textbox. Two of the textboxes are over a box and then the others are under the background. A lot in that site isn’t all that hard; just takes a lot of time and a hell of a lot of talent!!