Is WEBMASTER a profession? or a hobby?

Im asking this question myself, i like to share it with you, and see youre comments on this.

Maybe its not a profession because i havent seen (in my country) a Career called, WEBMASTER, or something… maybe it is because some people make that for a living (like me :P), maybe it is only a hobby that gives you some extra cash…

What you think?

Maybe this is a old question? i think it is…

Around here people ask for Webmasters. And you can take a Webmasters course at a vocational (tech) school too.

yeah in my country 2, they post job offers asking for WEBMASTERS, but there are no degrees or anything! so its not a profession?

i think its al little bit of a hobby and a profession.

That’s an interesting question, I label myself as a Graphic Designer, but I also work with multimedia and print as well so what does that make me? I would like to know as well… =)

hobby and profession. here we call them web designers… or web developers.
technical terms. 8]

but it has to be something more than a bit of both.

Maybe its hobby that is becoming (or has become) a profession.

or a profesion(or something) that you do for hobby.

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**That’s an interesting question, I label myself as a Graphic Designer, but I also work with multimedia and print as well so what does that make me? I would like to know as well… =) **

manofmanytallents :sure:

*Originally posted by thediablo *
**but it has to be something more than a bit of both.

Maybe its hobby that is becoming (or has become) a profession.

or a profesion(or something) that you do for hobby. **

i say hobby into a profession.


redviper, but i think thats what a WEBMASTER is.

a webdesigner (design template)
webdeveloper (makes site).

so why job offers are always looking for WEBMASTERS and not
web designers or developers? they want both in 1?

i have adquired my jobs by applying to WEBMASTERS and GRAPHIC DESIGN post offers,

i label myself has a graphic designer, that know how to make web pages, but still… they are refering to us like WEBMASTERS.

maybe we should go deeper and see the WEBMASTER definitions…

i guess. i guess its known that if you can code the thing, then you design it? i dont know. lol

im gonna be a manofmanytallents. they should make THAT into a profession. roxxors.
web·mas·ter ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wbmstr)
A person whose occupation is designing, developing, marketing, or maintaining websites.

*Originally posted by redViper *
**manofmanytallents :sure: **

Lol, I think “multimedia web graphic designer developer” covers its, stick that into your resume. :stuck_out_tongue:

OCUPATION?, humm… their are referring has a profession then?
where did you get a WEBMASTER degree.

you can get a graphic designer degree.

but webmaster?
si its just another simple occupation?

*Originally posted by redViper *
web·mas·ter ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wbmstr)
A person whose occupation is designing, developing, marketing, or maintaining websites. **

I like to think of my self as a Multimedia Design Master.

I have masterd all of the deadly design arts:asian: :moustache :ninja:

where did I get my webmaster degree?
i havent, im still in high school :moustache

Red, it wasnt a question for you, it is a open question.


Multimedia Design Master, nice… but still… the question is still there…

Multimedia Design Master = a nice way to call a WEBMASTER?

Multimedia Design Master = Webmaster = PROFESSION OR HOBBY?

throws his hands in the air

Here… Maybe this will help you out…

You shouldn’t just combine the names to make one… You should tell them everything for one thing…


Webmaster is a career if you get paid for it… But it’s more of a hobby if you don’t get paid for it… Easy as that…
