Im asking this question myself, i like to share it with you, and see youre comments on this.
Maybe its not a profession because i havent seen (in my country) a Career called, WEBMASTER, or something… maybe it is because some people make that for a living (like me :P), maybe it is only a hobby that gives you some extra cash…
That’s an interesting question, I label myself as a Graphic Designer, but I also work with multimedia and print as well so what does that make me? I would like to know as well… =)
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**That’s an interesting question, I label myself as a Graphic Designer, but I also work with multimedia and print as well so what does that make me? I would like to know as well… =) **
web·mas·ter ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wbmstr)
A person whose occupation is designing, developing, marketing, or maintaining websites.
OCUPATION?, humm… their are referring has a profession then?
where did you get a WEBMASTER degree.
you can get a graphic designer degree.
but webmaster?
si its just another simple occupation?
*Originally posted by redViper *
web·mas·ter ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wbmstr)
A person whose occupation is designing, developing, marketing, or maintaining websites. **