i’m needing some help with some imaging for my flash movie.
it’s an isometric movie - basically, i’m wondering how to turn normal, rectangular images. would i just skew it? - this never looks quite right to me when i do it, is there a better method?
Also: how can i get the skew exact to 30 degrees.
FW MX has iso-shapes and a extension for iso-grids. Make your objects then export as pngs. Ill has filters for iso stuff too.
how do you use it?
[ot]Sorry for the offtopic, but I just wanted to say your av cracked me up coz it was spanking itself right on the beat of the music I’m playing :lol:
Sorry for the petite hijack :ne: [/ot]
Which one? I gave you a couple of solutions.
both, please.
well for FW just drag it from the custom shapes panel onto the stage. And you will see some handle that you can drag and click to set properties. As for super guides. Just activate it in the commands menu then set the degrees then use your pen tool and make your box by the guides. The same is for Illustrator. The filter is called perspective go to hotdoor.com to check it out