Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

How cool does this game look??

and i’m glad i sold my DS, cos the DS Lite looks awesome too!!

wow this is awesome

yikes that looks cool enough to buy a ds

Okay, Nintendo just needs to come out with a Zelda-only system already, one that plays all zelda games and only zelda games. Because it’s really the only nintendo game that I like playing and I’m tired of buying nintendo systems just because i get suckered into how good the new zelda games look . . . :cantlook:

must . . . not . . . buy . . . . DS

Luna I totally agree with you Zelda and Metroid are the only 2 franchises I enjoy from nintendo and metroid really needs to go 3D not those crappy FPS they’ve made it into maybe Kid icarus would be an awesome game too.


I got a gamecube so I could play Windwaker. I beat it. THen put my cube in the closet. After the next zelda game comes out and I beat it - Im selling the thing on ebay.

Ya mines a paperweight until the new zelda comes out heck I gave it to my kids and they gave it back to me cause they prefered xbox with some nice emulators and xbox games, cant blame em theyre on the right path :beam:

now I gotta get em away from my x360 untill the price goes down so I can get em one :-/

I did the exact same thing - beat Windwaker and didn’t look at it again until I got Metroid. That was pretty fun. I never did beat it as it didn’t hold my attention as well as Zelda. I really don’t want to buy a Revolution (or whatever the final name will be) just to play Twilight Princess so I hope they hurry up and finish it. I may have to beat up some kid at a bus stop to get ahold of a DS to play this Phantom one. :beam:

Good news for ya Twilight princess is for gamecube so rejoice in happiness :beam:

“for now” right? :worried: I’m not gonna truly believe it until I have it in my hot little hands. :wink:

zelda and mario are the only good games that are nintendo only, my opionion of course, but looks good

nintendo has made it clear its for gamecube but they delayed it more because they wanted to add features that will use the revolutions revolutionary controller since the rev is backward compatible :lol: