Its hotter than hell here

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I was waiting for you to chime in Guigo…

I understand it is unbearable down there in the summer…

Rev **

Awww… you know me so well :love:

It’s just these guys say hot…

I’ve heard how hot it gets in Rio. 40 C (104 F) is a cool day from what I’ve heard…

I still want to visit Brazil…


WHAT! omgosh! i thought 90 was hot!

Rio is a wonderful city, worth to visit.

but right now it is a dangerous place, we´re passing some bad moments here…

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**Rio is a wonderful city, worth to visit.

but right now it is a dangerous place, we´re passing some bad moments here… **

as are we all my friend…



no dude, you don´t understand… Rio was always a violent city, like all big cities, but with a certain amount of safety if you know where to walk.

the thing is that the organized crime suffered great losses recently, and they´re paying back with random acts of violence display on the so called ‘safe’ places.

They´re trying to scare the police away, with no avail (thank god)… but i think will take long for them to notice that this won´t work.

imagine this: on a normal day the organized crime says to all shops on a determined neighborhood to close, those who don´t obey…

this is just a lil something to show what is going on here.

i used to live in kuwait and it would get up to 120 F there. you’d either spend all day in the pool, or in your airconditioned apartment.

sorry to hear that. I did not know that it was that bad with the organized crime there.

thanks for the info.


Guig0 i’ll traid you one of yoru summers for our winters. I htink it is a far trade lol.

no it´s not a fair trade!!!

i like my summers! the beaches crowded with half naked ladies… i´t preetier than snow, believe-me :wink:

but i´d love to see snow, that must be something…

It loses it’s appeal after about 5 min of frezzing your nuts off.

i love showing snow down people’s backs. it’s fun.

i love winter and snow. but this winter was to much…and yeah ladies who are half nekkkid is better than snow!

i agree 110%:thumb:

It’s hot here too!!! wait…this is California, it’s suppose to be hot, nevermind.

It loses it’s appeal after about 5 min of frezzing your nuts off.

Sure does… I would take 100 degree days over crappy winter weather anytime. Although I do prefer heat to cold. It is 68f in my house now and I am freezing. =0(

Oh, Rev I have been to Dallas in August, wow that was bad, I thought I could cut the air it was so thick.



Dallas is mild compared to Houston… or New Orleans…


lol im glad guig0 chimed in, 30c is nothing :stuck_out_tongue: thats a mild nice day in brisbane, i remember at school we’d be in our **** school uniforms (stupid long pants and tie) and it’d be 40c outside, over 45c inside, plus humidity, with no wind, it was torture :frowning:

to make it worse in assemblies (sit in big hall and listen to boring reports) we’'d have to wear our blazers too, so consider 500 sweating guys in long pants and heavy suit jackets (padded blazers, annoying) crammed into a room thats meant to sit about 350, hah, it sux :slight_smile:

Australia rocks tho, we get the half nekkid chiks on the beach (queensland), and a few hours by car inland gets you to snow fields (perisher blue) or a temperate climate (new south wales), and if you dont mind the cold (down to around 15c) then tasmania has some of the most beautiful natural scenes in the world, bwahahahahahahah :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s lovely and hot here in Bromley. :slight_smile: Third day running now, it’s great. :beam: And luckily it’s a dress down day too, so no suit!

It is night now. It has cooled off some but i could run aroiund out side naked and not feel the least bit cold.