Javascript not Supported by Windows XP article

As per Uppys request and anyone else who wants to see the issue regarding Javascript not being supported by Windows XP. Heres the link the another article I just found, although I could not find the original;



I haven’t read the article, but here’s what I know :
Microsoft has taken the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) out of Explorer 6. It’s not Javascript, but Java (it’s Sun MS trialing Microsoft…).

Basically, the JVM is a little program that interprets Java code. You have to download it if you want to be able to execute Java now.

Conclusion : use Netscape !

pom 0]

Yeah that’s Java not javascript… different beasty…

I do not however support POM’s concept that this is a final straw or anything like that, which will force me to go NN. There are still to many nice features about IE that I like. And as for downloading something, that is going to happen all the time, no matter what browser you have.

As always, to each their own.

Netscape!? people still use that?! dam…i thought that died out a long time ago. I like IE6, so if I have to dl something to view Java correctly so be it.

There are still to many nice features about IE that I like
Are you freakin kiddin me Upu ?? No comparison at all. IE is 1,000 times better than NS…which I’m using.

pom 0]

Children, quit fighting…


Hey, you started it, my dear child.

pom 0]

Listen here you frelling phrenchboy. YOU started the argument. As usual.


Do you know that my name is Usal ? Might be connected… Actually, it means rational. Go figure…

pom 0]

Did you know my name is actually Phil, and it stands for;
Lover of Truth (Hebrew) My preference
Lover of Horses (Greek)
Ruler of the World (Roman)


… Imperialist Pig (American)
Wire (French, that’s true)

Ilyas is a prophet who helps people out when their in real trouble in the Turkish mythology.

pom 0]

your a real phunny phrenchboy. BTW, whats does it mean in phrench to be a ‘wire’?


Doesn’t mean anything. It’s just that Phil reads like Fil, which means Wire. Actually, that’s not totally true, as one might extrapolate a little bit, thinking that saying that somebody is wire could mean that he’s very very skinny… <— was that English at all ??

pom 0] , représentant de la langue de Molière sur ce forum avec Eyez quand même.