<embed width=“445” height=“210” src=“http://www.alexsdesigns.net/Fireworks.swf”>
Happy July 4th everyone!!!
[EDIT] Its 1:15 here[/edit]
<embed width=“445” height=“210” src=“http://www.alexsdesigns.net/Fireworks.swf”>
Happy July 4th everyone!!!
[EDIT] Its 1:15 here[/edit]
it’s 10:10 PM here, no july fourth for me
but anyways HAPPY 4th JULYNESS
Happy screw the english day. I mean 4th of july.
That wasn’t very nice oh well! =)
Its 12 AM now, Happy July Christmas New Years Eve!
happy 4th of july. ( the bush administration is crap and they are stealing our rights away!!!)
For the Americans: Happy 4th July.
For the rest of us: Happy Friday.
Happy Our Peasants Beat Your Army Day
Thanks, you reminded me to see what my animals are doing on animal crossing.
Nothing interesting happening, guess have to wait till evening
what happend in July 4th ? :sure:
Hurray for … Friday! Yet another day where I sit at my PC doing sod-all
I live in Albany, NY, it’s all muggy this morning, but it’s going to get to the 90s today too, and hopefully that’ll kill the muggymonster. Otherwise, it’s just going to be a hot muggy day just like yesterday. The only thing I’m looking forward to is the fireworks tonight, I get to sit on top of our car and watch straight up and wish fireworks ash doesn’t fall on us.
last night, the 3rd. My neighbors where lighting up the sky with fireworks. And were i am, its illigal. :P:P:P:P
i cant wait until tonight!!
my friend and i bought a bunch of fireworks. it’s illegal in our city too, but our whole neighborhood does it, and the fireworks arent really that big, so its okay.=)
*Originally posted by Alex *
**last night, the 3rd. My neighbors where lighting up the sky with fireworks. And were i am, its illigal. :P:P:P:P
i cant wait until tonight!! **
my uncle does it a lot too, he lives in Mass. but then again, we do it too. and its all ground stuff.
Happy Fourth to you all. What are you guys doing? i think i am having a cook out.
Guys just remember, stay sober if you have to drive! Or have a designated driver. Lay off guys, dont try to be the hero by driving home drunk, seriously, i care about you all, do dont do anything stupid cause it would be really devistating to alot of people, not just me.
I’m going to a baseball game, then watching fireworks, then playing with bottle rockets :). Bottle rockets are by far man’s greatest achievement.
*Originally posted by NaliWarCowZ *
**I’m going to a baseball game, then watching fireworks, then playing with bottle rockets :). Bottle rockets are by far man’s greatest achievement. **
how true! i did bottle rockes in science this year~!
woohoo, its going to be a great night, my neighbors just brought out a 3,021 piece party pack. Im in for a hell of a good night.
and they are illigal here to.
i think that they should make them legal because so many people have them around here. I was just out side. every couple of minutes, i would hear a huge bang.
im goin out side now, and going to try and not get killed.
i will be back with pictures.
i have a little less than 1,500 firecrackers…:asian: :thumb:
Man the fire works in Springfield, MA stunk 1 million dollars on fireworks and they were so bad. The grand fanaly was nothing, you can usually see it from about a mile away and this time i saw like two ariales and that was it. dissapointing
on this note though i have a question, where is our holiday gone? every single store i saw today was open. has this turned into one of those halfass holidays that no one no longer cares about?
so much for my fun, the cops came to my neighbors house, and took it away
I think that i am turning into a pryo. lol
I really want them to make it legal here, i would have so much fun.
Mike- my city couldnt even afford it.
im thinking of moving to N.H:P
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