Well.... i still have all my fingers. lol

tonight was awsome!

I went to a campground where everyone had atleast 100 assorted fireworks. We started lighting off a few bricks and then the cops came and shut us down.

We waited 10 minutes after they left, and everyone lit everything they had at once. It was the best display of fireworks i have ever seen.

I lit off all my 1500 firecrackers. lol

Then just when you think its over, the owners of the campgrounds blocked the gates and then a pick up truck came in with bricks of 64+ shots of rockets.

He had 24 bricks of 64 shots.

and he also had something that rattled my car when it exploded.

it was really really cool night for me. Alot of fun.

but Fireworks are harmful so dont play with them with out adults around. lol


Neat. I ran back in the woods to show Pa some of my sparklers. Unfortunately he was tending to the still or his “home distillation unit” as he likes to call it and well… maybe by the next Fourth of July Pa will get his eyebrows back?

Sure was a purty fireball though. Made me swell with Independent pride!

Happy fourth y’all. :red:

I was watching my guy’s kids set off some fireworks and I asked if they knew what holiday we were celebrating and what it meant and they didn’t know. :frowning: One of them said “A Will Smith movie”. I really wanted to go stick my head in the oven. :d:

Happy what?

(happy independence everyone!)

p.s. alex that sounds so kick###. Wish I could have seen that!

It is kind of a shame most people here dont even call it Independence Day anymore it is just the 4th of July and basically the big thing is fireworks I am not surprised they dont know what it is. Very sad when you think about it the holiday sort of lost its meaning overtime of course thats just my opinion.

A lot of holidays have somewhat lost their meanings. Now they’re just a day-off of work or school.

Well… :frowning:

Here…in… Arizona, USA :frowning: we couldnt have fireworks because of the forest fire :frowning:

bored to death,

  • Matt

I agree Wizard, look at Christmas.
The marketing for Christmas starts in October now and the religious significance is forgotten. Most kids know the story but think of it just like they do Santa, something parents tell them so they pretend they believe to get the presents :frowning:

good one alex :thumb: ,

I sure hope your car is allright tho - I know how sensitive it is under stressfull situations :stuck_out_tongue:


happy independence day …
I re-watched the patriot today, it really brings the whole thing home again