To my American Peoples - Happy Independence Day, y’all! :party:
For those of you not in America, have fun anyway.
(I know it’s an early post, but my internet at home is cut off because I’m broke and I likely won’t be near a computer until Monday or so. So, party on.)
[QUOTE=DanontheMoon;2353349]To my American Peoples - Happy Independence Day[/QUOTE][QUOTE=sekasi;2353350]Happy free from Brits day![/QUOTE]
Happy indeed, too bad the American dollor is getting walloped by the British pound, wonder if they would take us back? Maybe they will offer a merger by the end of the year.
If you really wish to be symbolically patriotic, then you will also need to do two more things.
1.) Deep fry it.
2.) Biggie size / Super Size it.
But I digress, I need to go eat a bowl of ice cream before bed and maybe some buttery popcorn, a large pizza, a 2 liter of pepsi, some potato chips… Just kidding.
But yeah only in America. I am sure that there is a fire cracker out there somewhere in the USA wrapped in some cheese waiting to expode.
Oh and Templarian, stuff one of those m150’s in the center of a watermelon :thumb: