July 3, 2004, 3:38am
What will you be doning this 4th of July???
i plan on spending time with my relatives and family and have a nice big cook out, go swimming and later on in the night go and watch a good fireworks display. And when i do come home, im taking out my stash of fireworks.
Sit here…on kirupa…lol. I saw fireworks today. They were spectacular!
-duck :cap:
Hanging out with my family and friends, cookin out - then off to the fireworks.
Hey Alex - Fireworks are illegal in Mass Not here in CT though w00t!
watch Independence Day at 7:00 on FOX 29!
Barbeque with some friends. Then head up to a hillside home to watch the fireworks.
Maybe work on my tan.
My birthday is on the 4th of July so I’ll have some friends over and then later we’ll blow sh*t up
have fun with my brother at chewy’s and watch fireworks on town lake
hmm i suppose i’ll go to church, then to work. then probably come home, and spend a normal night at home…
what’s so special about this 4th of july anyway ;)…
go Canada!!! :bad:…
just kiddin all… happy 4th to all the americans here! well… in 2 days… :party:
ah, church, I’m sorry about that sorry, jk won’t get into religion and I won’t hijack this thread either
July 3, 2004, 4:26am
Spend time with the family and watch the neighbors as they mess around with fireworks…provided it doesn’t rain like it has been for the past few weeks
I may also remember the UK and run around in a redcoat drinking tea while talking about football and the royal family. Who knows?
July 3, 2004, 4:30am
lol kirupa.
on the 4th, were going t rent a room at the hilton /MUAHUAHA\ then the’res going to be a party below us, (street festival type of thing)… at least there will be lots of beer, and i can go back to the room if i get tired.
i’m exited, they say thiers a pool on the tenth floor…
but then agian … thinks back to highschool days
Senior, “hey freshman, we have a pool, i can sell you a ticket to see it. its below the gym” …
you know the rest… lol
July 3, 2004, 4:32am
I do? tell the rest tell the rest!!!
July 3, 2004, 4:29pm
Me, I plan to watch the some fireworks and we are going to a picnic, play a little croquet and just have some fun.
July 3, 2004, 4:35pm
I’m working all day at my crappy fish market job :thumb:
July 3, 2004, 4:52pm
they have a block party rite by my house, gonna hang out there with friends
July 3, 2004, 5:34pm
I’ll probably be at a freinds BBQ, eating like a pig and drinking a few brews. He has a pool so maybe well catch a dip.
Enjoy everyone
July 3, 2004, 5:51pm
hehe… i’m just staying home… not doing much of anything… oh well… i’m kinda over the whole ‘shoo sh1t up’ thing…
everyone else tho, have a safe and happy time
July 3, 2004, 5:55pm
Ehh - I’m goin’ to NY’s Coney Island, gonna ride that ooooold Cyclone coaster.