ok could we try and get summet sorted how about every1 edits this thread and adds there aim or msn or wotever address apparently most people have aim so that wud be easiest
theres a Kteam1 chat room for every1 to use like I sed b4 use original names when u log in unless u already have a spinchat account unless any1 has a better chat room use this
lets all download mIRC or something like that, and open a channel in a server, that would be better than AIM or MSN i think.
we all can be in the same channel always, and we can put topics in the channels for updates… or when someone is Offline and needs a reminder of something live a topic msg… the channel can be +k (key needed) or something so only kteam mem. can join.
What you think?
since is saturday i dont work on weekends so... see you guys monday :)
well we can either use that chat room i made or every1 get mirc i think i made a room on mirc but as i dont know how to use it i aint got a clue where it is. its just on my channels folder so someone who knows wot there doin better take a look
ok well someone make a mirc room and sum directions on how to get to the ■■■■ thing for folks like me. and well be sorted playmarz has nearly done his background hidden site for every1 to share ideas aswell which will be good once its done
*Originally posted by novatake *
**well we can either use that chat room i made or every1 get mirc i think i made a room on mirc but as i dont know how to use it i aint got a clue where it is. its just on my channels folder so someone who knows wot there doin better take a look **
lmfao…does anyone besides me think this is hillarious as well??
first of all…which server are you using? is it dalnet? if so, after connecting, then just type in “/j #channame” without quotations to join your channel …so if ur chan is #kirupa then you would type /j kirupa
oh…you must know how to connect to the server…please tell me you do =)
Ok so I have no idea wot im doing my irc is set up give me a server address to go into please ive used it once but my sister showed me how to use it i never chat really
Cool… Sorry I haven’t replied to this thread sooner, but I don’t get online much when I’m not at work.
The other snag is that because of the firewall here, MSN and AIM is off limits, so I’m going to have to post via forum threads or PMs. Hope this isn’t too irritating for you all.
OK, so Marz has laid out the basic plan, does anyone on the team have any ideas on how this could look? Please post them below.
well this is a pretty basic idea of how i reckon we shud make this thing most prob wont agree so u know dont be horrible to me
anyway Are we makin it full flash if so we need a splash with links to flash player etc so if theres any1 good at 3d studiomax and photoshop etc that wud be a cool job
it could be doing with being clean cut (pretty obvious) but like not having a menu that is like a little dot in the corner and when u mouseover it appears coz people wont find the bloody thing. So if we can maybe a pretty cool navigation system but easy to use if thats possible.
aint thought of a colour scheme ill leave that to sum1 else so thats just a outline of how it shud be i still aint sure bout it but its gotta be easy to navigate so let the ideas roll
i think we should have more html and some php, and a lil flash, maybe the header… so it can load fast and, because the site will have a lots of content right?
maybe 75% html 25%flash… what you think…
but well its just me…
we need to figure out which way to communicate!
so are we using mirc? dl it at www.mirc.co.uk or something…
connect to the UNDERNET servers, its one of the best servers…
so we can register the channel and everything…
I agree with thediablo here. Whilst we want to showcase our Flash work, we want as many people to see it as possible, and (more to the point) be able to see it as possible. So I’d say go along the lines of the kirupa website, with mostly HTML, but a few little Flash wizzy things here and there. That way everyone can see things nice and quickly.