Well… I figured since we needed some things to start us off on the right foot… I figured I’d let you guys voteas to which two projects the K-Team will embark on first. The 2 most popular projects will be used… And the team will be split accordingly to fill each one’s needs for everything.
((( Project Prospect List Descriptions )))
Flash Drawing Board (advanced)
Create a drawing board for flash that allows you to save the drawings people make into text files… Which can then be loaded back up using a simple system… The drawer will also have colors… And many different options to partake into…
Flash Music Looping Program
Create a program in Flash that will let people add their own “loops” or use ones we make and then combine the loops and tweek them a little to make cool looped songs…
Flash MP3 Player
Make a mp# player that laods up MP3’s, has them in a playlist and then they can do many things like you find in winamp… Be able to save playlists… show the track time left… Have the EQ bars… And everything.
Kirupa Team Website and Design
Set up some slogans… banners and all around stuff that can gte the KIrupa Team going… Marketing and everything… How the website will be created and how it is designed will be based upon this project.
Coloring Book
A fun approach project… This will let you make a coloring book in which people can take the images you have from black and white… (loaded in from .swf’s) and you can then let them color it by either… brush strokes or paint bucket…
Kirupa Chatroom
CReat a small time chatroom in which people can come in and tlak to other people online… THis will be probably the most difficult for the programmers as it would involve persistant connections through php and the usage of checks and dominances and fn stuff like that… Challenging but cool at the end…
Smilie Maker
Ahh Smilie Maker 2000 Let people put pixel by pixel on say a 20 x 20 field or 30 x 30 field… With a list of colors… It will then save the file in a text file format to be laoded in by that program… Prompt the user on how to use the smilie by using print screen for now… Unless we cna figur out a way to create this into gif files or bmp?!
Well… That’s all the ideas I could come up with… I made the poll multiple choice… So please… Vote for TWO!
Jubba. I’m with you on the chat idea… I have been thinking for some time now that we need a place to have a weekly open door chat forum. It could also help us to coordinate any other projects that we are doing as the Kteam.
I’m sure Kirupa would host it, but if we need a place to do testing, centerspin.com has plenty of room and bandwidth to play around with.
I think that all the ideas are worthy of attention, but I’ve chosen the website and the smilie maker to begin with.
The website has obvious reasons really, to get us started, get the whole project ‘out there’ [SIZE=1]wherever there is[/SIZE] and give us something to focus on.
And I just really liked the idea of a smilie maker.
I agree with Kit: The website should be the first chapter of our collaboration. And then I like the idea of the MP3 player. Could be pretty useful for a lot of people
I figured I’d let the game programming for after our first couple initial set-ups… They can be confusing at times when developing in a team… And the leader of that team for games has a CRAPLOAD of stuff to do… hehe…
ALlright guys… I’ll close this poll around Friday-SUnday…
*Originally posted by ilyaslamasse *
**OK, since the chatroom seems to be quite popular, can anybody tell me how you think you will develop it? And please don’t tell me PHP. **
That is definately do-able with PHP and loadVars… we could do that. it doens’t have to be as interactive as the one that was posted because that was intense, but we have a lot of really great minds here… we could put something together…
If I’m not mistaken, you can’t really chat with more than a very few people if you do it with PHP (problems with the server). I think I’ve read somewhere that the best way is to use XML-socket (requires a special host) or flashcom (very expensive).
I personally dont see a need for a flash chat because 1) it would be expensive to have done right (server setup etc) and 2) we have the boards here which serve pretty much the same purpose and are re-referencable.
I voted for the website because… well same reason kit pointed out earlier. and yay its in the lead! (as of now)