Interesting article reland.
I doubt you will ever actually see the day where music is recorded with each instrument on its own track, but his point about needing change could not be any more correct.
Interesting article reland.
I doubt you will ever actually see the day where music is recorded with each instrument on its own track, but his point about needing change could not be any more correct.
i found the parts he said about some of the big copyers and downloaders were kids a bit offensive. there are probably just as many adults who illegally distribute music as there are kids.
we also need to stop putting 20 songs on a CD…
We used to get 7-10 songs/album, then waited with baited breath for the new albums coming out. We used to sit and stare at the cover art, trying to figure out all of the subliminal meanings…
Today, they put 20 songs on a CD, 1/2 of which wouldn’t have made the cut 20 years ago. Then, the artist is drained of his art, and has a terrible time coming up with enough quality content for the 2nd album…
just my thoughts on the music industry…
*Originally posted by Replode *
**i found the parts he said about some of the big copyers and downloaders were kids a bit offensive. there are probably just as many adults who illegally distribute music as there are kids. **
feh … once you reach an age where anyone more than 30 years younger than you is a ‘kid’ (allthough technically not) … it is just a figure of speach meaning the younger quarter of people, wherein I believe he’s right on the money.
Duane:: How true … it’s a flood out there now :!:
I really miss the cover art…
that is really what got me interested in Graphic Design in the first place…
if it were still as large, and as important… I think more people would buy the CD/album…
This is a shame. This is one of the darker days for the free world.
I don’t think this is a shame. I think it has to happen for the music industry to move forward. I’m not sure it will be a good thing for the average person, but I think it is necessary.
just look at Taylor Tap… 270 Gigs of stolen merch, without buying a single thing… that is a major crime in my book…
Ok, DD i see what you mean. Lawyers are surely gonna have one hell of a field day with this. I’m glad the RIAA is stepping up their efforts. Artists deserve their royalties. You know what this all means, though. Prices for CDs are probably going to stay where they are.
I hope that the music industry will make it a better place for the average Joe… but I doubt it… just me being cynical…
I think the music industry should set a ceiling for their profit. Some of these artists, IMHO, are getting way too much money. Once they hit that ceiling, the prices for their CDs (or specific album) should be lowered.
personally, I would think it is the labels that are to blame…
but that is just my view…
*Originally posted by Duane Dibley *
**I don’t think this is a shame. I think it has to happen for the music industry to move forward. I’m not sure it will be a good thing for the average person, but I think it is necessary.
just look at Taylor Tap… 270 Gigs of stolen merch, without buying a single thing… that is a major crime in my book…
Duane **
A MATTER A FACT THE BAND AUTHORITY ZERO I JUST SAW LIVE @ THE WARPED TOUR (TO SEE THEM) AND WHEN I WAS THERE I BOUGHT THERE CD JUST TO SUPPORT THEM. I would never of had heard of them if not for Mp3’s and they have free Mp3’s for download right off their site
Also, have you ever heard of bootlegs because that is how Metallica became famous…
okay fine…
but 270 gigs of stolen merch is still in your posession…
if you get the mp3’s from the band, then they don’t have anything to do with this convo. This convo was about p2p progs and the abuse they get.
270 gigs of info is abuse in my book.
bootlegs are fine, but they were usually traded in cassette form, not a digital (close to perfect) format. I have friends who have tons of Grateful Dead tapes (authorized by the band), and those I feel are okay.
downloading DVD’s is not, downloading hundreds of gigs of software and mp3’s is not… It is stealing, plain and simple.
BTW - you brought it up…
I hate Metallica. I’m giving up my tickets for Summer Sanitarium because of them. Metallica is so bad.
*Originally posted by userid=16 *
**I hate Metallica. I’m giving up my tickets for Summer Sanitarium because of them. Metallica is so bad. **
Metallica is a bunch of *******!!
Most of the movies I don’t even watch actually just about all of them. I guess I am just a packrat… Oh, Authority Zero doesn’t have all of their mp3’s on their site just some but I got the whole CD off of Kazaa.
Also, to your statement of how would I like ppl ripping off my stuff? I wouldn’t care if they got ahold of my source code and checked it out as long as if they wanted to pay me for it if they liked it. Which is the same thing as to me buying a CD or going to a concert if I download some mp3’s and like them.
Mp3’s are also awesome for rare tracks that can’t be bought anymore like old AFI EP’s and acoustic versions that you will never be able to buy or hear on the radio.
I won’t go see them again… and I see a ton of music … almost every day I go see someone play live…
I paid over $70 to see Light of the Day/Metallica a few years back. It was a good show, but then Lars made his stink…
It was just the wrong way to go about it…
Plus, their new album sux in my opinion…
there are hundreds of ways to justify having that much stuff…
IMO, it is still large scale theft.
but that is why they have horse races… difference of opinion.
Honestly, he’s right. If they find you, think of the fine they’re gonna give you. That bill mentioned earlier this morning was said to give up to $250,000 (was it?) per song (that’s copyright violated). Don’t think you can hide forever. The RIAA is getting more and more desperate.
I wasn’t talking about your source code… Think of how you would feel about one of your flash movies appearing on every college kid’s website, and being traded all over the world without even giving you a thanks…
The RIAA plans to use software robots to search for copyright violations, as well as sending warnings to universities and businesses demanding they remove illegal material.
okaym i bet @ days after these bots come out hackers will know how to get rid of 'em…
there are so many P2P users… i doubt the RIAA will be cable of really hurting the piracy industry
the smart thing to do would be to close down the sharing networks and programs (what would you do if you couldnt use kazaam winmx or other P2P discs ???
cheers -
:beam: thousandth post :beam::beam::beam:
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