Keep It Cool - Shutters and Blinds

This is a client site that I just finished today. I have been working on it for a long time, but at intervals. It took about 36 hours of total worktime.

The client wanted a site that was easily updatable, and looked clean. He gave me as a site that he liked, and wanted his site to look like. So I used Apple as inspiration, with the tabs.

The site has a full admin section, and just about everyting (minus) the layout is changeable by the client through the admin section. It allows addition of subcategories, and even uploading his own pictures for several different sections. The showcase section also uses PHP’s GD library to make dynamic thumbnails of the pictures that the client uploads. The site makes use of PHP, mySQL, CSS, and HTML.

C&C Welcome, keep in mind though that I was limited by the client’s requests.

Edit: Oh yeah, and all of the content is fake at the moment hehe. The client will be in the process of adding real content in the next couple of days / weeks.