Here’s a character I’m developing in my character design class. It’s been years since I picked up a pencil to draw and now I’m trying to slowly get back into it.
My character is named Kid Klue, I can’t go into much detail since I want it to be a surprise when I release the project I’m working on.
Also I colored him with markers instead of photoshop for now.
Let me know what you guys think, anything I can do to improve it?
wow dood! I wish I could draw that… How is it possible to draw figures so similar to each other yet in different angles!? If I tried drawing something like this I’d probably get 4 different space heroes!!!
Syko, yeah it’s pretty hard to draw characters at different angles. What I do is imagine my character as basic shapes like cylinders and spheres and start out drawing him that way and then filling in the detail afterwards.
yeah not bad. has a gritty comic book feel to it, or sunday
newspaper comics. the fact that it’s had drawn makes it that
much nicer when viewing it electronically. good stuff.
good job, is nice. i wish i could draw like that
two things that bother me…
the upper part of his body doesn’t seem to fit the bottom, i fear it’s going to drop off.
his wrists are in funny positions…don’t you think?
Nice work…
Maybe try to do something with the eyes. I know you want to keep it pretty simple. A tad bit of detail to the face and a dash of shading would set his little ***** off (in my opinion). :alien2:
jay-em, how did you manage to get censored talking about a face?!?!
nice work EG, the only possible flaw i see is that on the third position (from the left) the nose appears too big, as if it hasn’t been rotated enough compared to the rest of his face. Hope you understand what i mean (and i could be wrong anyway).
I’m very intrigued about what’s gonna happen with him…
Thanks for the comments everyone, what you see now is the first time I drew this character so there will be a lot of changes made.
As for the eyes, I rather leave them simple. I will be animating this character along with several other characters drawn in the same style so it will be more practical for me to have things simple.
I don’t mind drawing him with more detail, but drawing hundreds of cells for the animation will be a bit of a pain.
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**I don’t mind drawing him with more detail, but drawing hundreds of cells for the animation will be a bit of a pain. **
That would take time to draw every frame, and animate it.
But for a image its great, maybe draw his girlfriend also