Kill 100 People - Only Get 4 Years in Prison

This is so disgusting to me. I know a ton of people who had friends and family that died in that club. Four years… this guy should have been gutted in the courtroom by the family members.

Once again our Justice system is teh suck :angry:

I have a few opinions…

My problem with four years is not so much the time (the news did lay it out to be about 5 days per victim), I do believe he is the only guy stepping up to the plate, I do believe he did not intentionally set the fire and I do believe he asked the dederian brothers if they could use pyrotechnics…I dont believe that he should have been given a suspended sentence because he has to “live with what he has done forever” by that I mean if the sentence for manslaughter should have been ten years then give him all then, if it should have been 4 for all hundred give him the four. If I was driving 75 in a 65 veered off the road, flipped someones car on accident and killed them I can be charged with vehicluar homicide and given a max of 2 years…since they found him quilty wether people agree or not, wouldnt it make sense that even the minimum punishment be givin 100 times for each person (at least logically speaking)

I 100% think the derderian brothers need to be brought to trial (both of them) for the 200 counts of manslaughter they have been charged with. Grandfathered law or not, you put sprinklers in a public place, I cannot fathom owning a building of any kind and because it is expensive and I am not required to because of an older law not putting something as general as sprinklers…More over I think that the fire marshal needs to be charged with something. Multiple on multiple violations were even recorded ad violations but the place still remained open, let alone the violations like the foam on the walls, the minimum capacity etc…space that should have been recorded violations that were “over sites” I also think since fire marshall (as fire as I know in R.I. is an appointed more or less political position, the fire marshall will slide and others will take the fall…

Two friends from high school (one from kindergarten all the way through high school) were killed in that fire and I can remember sitting at Festers on the phone with two other friends leaving him messages just wondering if you and geno actual went to the concert… just wondering if you are home yet…etc. The whole scenerio is crazy.

I have to ask, is this the country where they cane people?

[ot]don’t know about brazil, but they do that in thailand (or did anyway - remember the famous incident with the american tourist years ago?).

I do know there is some crazy violent acts in Brazil. A friend (native) as there recently and was waiting in line at a travel agency when a guy came in looking really nervous. A minute later four teenagers came in, pulled out guns, shot the guy and spread some random bullets around hitting quite a few people (not my friend thankfully - she dove behind a counter) then split. Seems they had watched the guy withdraw some money from the bank then followed him. He thought he was safe by walking into a crowded public place of business. Kids didn’t care - they wanted the money. And they got away with it too. I think like 3 or 4 people died and several injured. Now that’s crazy! :worried: [/ot]

[ot]I think that was Singapore :lol: Either way being caned would suck[/ot]

I agree rere - the club owners did Okay it.

Hummmm i needed to check to see what “cane people” means. If I understood correctly, you mean “cane people” by hittin them with with a rod made of bamboo while they are tied or something?

If that’s it well… I havent heard any reports of this kind of thing happening recently, but yeah… i did happen sometime ago, more than 10 years since last time I heard it. Most of the time are cops hitting people who stole and use drugs :ko:

And lunatic, I see things like you said everyday in US watchin that “America’s Most Wanted” on AXN channel :puzzle:

Iunno… he seemed to indirectly caused it. There’s no one to blame but this guy considering he didn’t check safety code… but wouldn’t the people who owned the place tell him when he started settin’ 'em up. I wouldn’t pin him for murder, I’d pin him for malpractice. The sentence seems reasnoble to me.

Besides, by putting someone in jail, the loved one doesn’t come back, revenge is only made… which makes the world kind of not peacefulish.

edit:/ Also, excuse my ignorance. I know of the case and remember the incident, however I never followed up on it much.

I agree with those of you who think it is fair.

Because it was in no way pre-meditated or intentional in the slightest.