So me and six of my friends walked to a fair. So my friend john decides to play a game. It was one of those ones where you spin a wheel and it lands on a number and if u guess the number you win. Well it was his lucky day, guess what he won? A FIRE EXTINGUISHER! :td: Well, he and my friend rachel walk off i was watching from the ferris wheel and his brother runs over to him and takes the firextinguisher and sprays it into a crowd of people. Then his brothers friend takes it and sprays it some more. John took his fire extinguisher back and walked away with rachel slowly, not running Well, when they sprayed it, they were 2 feet away from a food stand, so the guy jumps over the counter and tackels John. So i go and get my other friends and we try to tell the guy that it wasnt him. Then after the guy took the fire extinguisher away john gets sent to the police station. I was so mad!
im still getting over the fact that they had a fire extinguisher as a prize. when i was on the farris wheel, i though he stole the fire extinguisher from somewhere because it just didnt compute with my not-so-infinate knowledge
you should go bake yourself a cookie rather than wasting time (presumably) on this forum… but not more than one, that’d just be in bad taste to make more than you deserve :lol:
that works, but lawsuits are always exciting, you do get some fun out of them… I don’t know, perhaps you should try making cookies again? or perhaps with the money from a lawsuit you could get cooking lessons?
I dont beleive they should be giving actual fire extinguishers as prizes that is terrible thinking on their part. Also if this was infact a crowd then the officer should have taken the interview of some of the members that way they would know that your friend did not do it. Thats probably just me though lol I am into the law shows they are addicting.
i didnt believe the fire extinguisher thing myself, i really thought he stole it, but i went by the stand and they had one more left in the box the cheap prize
as far as cooking lessons go, i should probably buy the book “How to operate your stove”
he he jk
as far as the crowd goes, it was basically johns friend, but the big white stuff sorta spread around to other people too ; D
thats a great prize! I wish i had a fire extinguiser stupid crummy compressed air can with a cool nozzle that makes really loud sounds thats also called an air horn! nah that is pretty silly too bad about your freinds, what happened after?
Yeah, I know what you are talking about.
we’re standing at the local trainstation waiting for somebody, and there is this spinning wheel booth, and the dude asks me if I want to play. I ask him what you can win, which would be some biro if you loose, and some special prices if you win, chances are same if you sign a contract or not. (the wheel is already constructed in a way that made it quite impossible to win)
I said yes, because I have some time to waste.
well first of all the dude is asking me what I think of getting a new telephone company, and I told him we are happy with our current one. he keeps on listing me the advantages of his company, so I tell him again and again I am not interested, and if we will ever play that game. He keeps on talking for ~10 minutes, till I get a little angry.
So we go to the wheel, i spin it…and tatataa, I win.
Guy walkes back to a big cardboard box, and get’s something out:
One of those shells for your mobile for a Sagem MC930. (I even tried to sell it on ebay for one euro, but nobody was interested)
Quite crappy for a jackpot, but as I never had that phone and never will (quite old at that time) and don’t even know someone with this phone, I tell him that it’s crap, and ask him if he has another one for my nokia, or just anything else.
His reaction: "sorry, we can’t convert prices!"
So I tell him what a crap this is, but he doesn’t care.
at least I wrecked the spinning wheel after that, because I touched it (accidentally) with my elbow, and it fell forward on the wooden sticks which broke.
the booth dude didn’t see it was me because he was already babbling the next one.